Ben - Is still on a research rotation and has submitted a case to show for it. He has been honing his woodworking skills and has made us some cool "furniture" for the new house. He also started working with the 16 yr old boys at church as an advisor.
Miles - Can be found "skateboarding", playing "raquetball" and jumping off of things while dressed as spiderman and playing the harmonica (he'll ask anyone - "do you like my music?"). And telling me he can do everything "myself". Yep we're at that stage.
He made the jump to a size 4 diaper. As you can see he is getting quite chunky. :)
If his mom had more time to devote to his training I'm sure he could have made that jump straight to the Thomas undies. Instead, at home he will say when he needs to go but is very annoying in that he will only relieve himself a little at a time. So he needs to go a little every 5 minutes. Contrast that to his sisters "bladder of steel" and she who goes once a day - midday and once before bed because we make her. And yes she drinks plenty of liquids.
Vital stats from his 2 yr appt. at 27 months : Height - 33 in. (7th %ile) Weight - 24.4 lbs (5th%ile) His head is 51 cm (90th %ile)
He met all of his milestones except that the doc said he should be dressing himself. At 2? Really? He can put his own shoes on the wrong feet and both legs into one opening of his pajama pants but I guess that doesn't count. This is why I don't go to appts unless an immunization is involved.
Avery - Big events for Avery in January included turning five, turning five and turning five. See post below for details.

The house - It's coming along and we are about halfway done. We are getting to the fun decisions now. We have a couple polls going and coming up if you want to weigh in on sink selection, appliances, flooring etc.. Speak now or forever hold your peace!

Avery - Big events for Avery in January included turning five, turning five and turning five. See post below for details.
Another highlight (for me too!) was going to the Seattle Aquarium with longtime friend Erica and our new friend Kari. And the giant octopus.
Lynn - I learned this month that turning 30 doesn't make you feel old - having your kid turn five makes you feel old. I'm not neccessarily looking forward to the changes come the Fall but we'll do fine I'm sure.
At church they switched my calling from teaching the Valiant 9's - all boys, I loved those kids - old enough to have good conversation but young enough not to be bored and aloof - and a game of hangman solved anything. I now am with the Mia Maids (14-15 yr old girls), which is familiar territory only this time I realize that I am in fact not their peer. What a difference 3 yrs. makes
The house - It's coming along and we are about halfway done. We are getting to the fun decisions now. We have a couple polls going and coming up if you want to weigh in on sink selection, appliances, flooring etc.. Speak now or forever hold your peace!
The car - Our VW hit 100000 miles this month during our road trip. You might recall that we were wondering if we should keep this particular car or get something different a few months back...almost a year ago actually. Well we kept it. Not that it was ever a question for me really. I love this car for a number of reasons and will continue to do so for some time if it continues to treat us well. I also loved the car I had previously - a '93 Honda Civic that had around 267K on it when we had to leave it behind to move overseas (the shipping cost was nearly it's book value)
Other family news - I forgot to mention that Ben's brother McKay left the country to serve a mission in Peru in November. We'll miss the best manny we ever had but I for one can't wait to go to Peru in about oh...22 months.
Here's a little snippet from one of his recent emails to the family: "The people here are pretty awesome. Well, some stuff is kinda weird here too, like I often find myself thinking - why are those dogs on that roof? And why is that lady sweeping that dirt floor? And, it smells like poop in here. Oh its cuz that's poop right there."
Sounds awesome.
Just a couple of comments -
1. Wow Madi never made it to size 4 diagers before panties - way to go chucky.
2. Madi was 33in and 32lbs at her 4yr check up... mmmmmm
3. So is Kari Erica's mom? :) hahahahahaha sorry couldn't resist
4. My '01 Escape hit 150k - knock on woood for both our vechiles.
5. can't think of anything but figured i needed a #5
I can't believe Avery is five! Both Avery and Miles are so adorable and look so much older than the last time I saw them. Washington agrees with them---they are looking adorable.
The first time I really felt old in my life was when I realized that I needed to make lunches for my child to take to school. It's sad. Then you get used to it and stop feeling so old. Until your husband finds all the white hairs on your head.
well...nani has been in size 4 diapers for what seems forever(don't know if she'll ever make it to 5). she did however sit on the toilet for the first time last night before her bath(and proclaimed for all of us to hear) that she pee'd-but mason said she only farted...close enough, right?
i keep trying to bribe her by telling her we can get her big girl panties-she's not interested. oh well. she can stay my little girl for just a little bit longer-until may when the new baby comes. thanks for the update-love seeing your home develop right before my eyes(via your blog and great pics.!) have a super weekend.
Luke just barely started dressing himself over the past few months and he turned 3 back in September. He mainly has to do everything by himself because I hate bending over while pregnant.
Oh - and I hate potty training. We've been potty training Luke for what feels like forever (7 months) and we still have lots of accidents - we aren't even close to being done. I just didn't want 2 kids in diapers - that's why we're training Luke. I don't know if we'll make it. Enjoy Miles in diapers as long as you can.
I love your recaps Lynn they are terrific! And welcome back to YW's! I'm Mia Maids too and in my biased opinion I think it's the best age to have in YW's.
Thanks for the updates....always nice to get caught up.
Size 4? Quite the little guy. J was 34" at 2, and he was average height..I'm surprised at 33" he was in such a low %
And dressing himself at 2? Is the pedi crazy? I'm lucky if J can get his shoes off - forget anything else on or off.
that's funny, mckay and i have been thinking the same things. why is that kid on the roof? why am i sweeping this dirty floor again? it smells like poop in here, oh because there is poop right there. i guess i'm on a mission of my own.
Good for you for at least making your immunization well baby visits. I missed Talia's 6 month shots. It's so hard when i don't have a feisty receptionist forcing me to remember every detail. Oh the USUHS clinic. How far we all have come.
Is that Ped nuts? Dressing at two? He probably doesn't have kids!
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