Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sometimes a girl just needs a little time alone. And a doughnut.

For some reason this week just got to me. I can't identify anything in particular that was causing the stress but it was definately there. I'm sure recent inspections gone wrong on the house and getting to the point where we will no longer be staying under budget but wanting to go over everytime I go into a flooring store (champagne taste on a beer budget problem)(what do you mean I can't have limestone countertops...) - You know real important issues like that. Usually I enjoy such "challenges". But trying to be an attentive mother, a deal-finder and trying not to become "some kind of girl who doesn't wash clothes" when all I want to do is plop down on the couch once in a while and watch something mindless on tv (something mindless of my choosing - not basketball)- is all the sudden too much. I think I've asked Ben at least three or four times this week to listen to my heart because I am just sure that it is beating irregularly. He always tries to do a lame finger on the wrist pulse check but I insist that he listen to my actual heart because that's where the problem lies...he says it's the same but what does he know.

So the best solution I could come up with to counter the stress was a litttle time alone. Generally my time alone comes in the form of locking myself in the bathroom to primp, pluck or read The Week in the bathtub. But that doesn't save me from the constant banging on the doors - and pretty much hearing anything else going on in the apartment. Our lack of personal space is probably part of my problem. So what better and more peaceful place to go than to the temple...a temple with a Whole Foods nearby. So I made the hour long trek in silence - thinking about - nothing really.

I enjoyed my peacful time alone but I must admit what I was really looking forward to was a doughnut. I'm not usually a doughnut girl - but if I am going to have one it's going to be an old fashioned or a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. And my mom introduced me to the Whole Foods doughnut on our recent road trip. Healthier than your average doughnut? I doubt it - but definately craveworthy. I let myself remember that I had three others waiting for me at home and grabbed a couple extras - which would either ensure that I would be able to venture out on my own again sometime with hopes I would return with treats in hand - or it would give me extra doughnuts to eat on the way home should I regret having only eaten one at the store.

When I get home I have Ben check my heart beat one more time to be sure I'm not dying but otherwise I feel a little better. And I'm going to make sure I pencil in a little alone time for next month - right there along with a date night with Ben - whenever he gets rid of that awful mustache, some "grown-up girl bonding time" with Avery (that's what she calls it) and some potty time with Miles.


Sarah said...

Fabuloso new picture...I love it!

I so hear you on the alone time girl....or even just me time, even if it isn't alone. Good for you for taking some time to get away. Definitely something you should schedule into EVERY WEEK, not just a month!

Sarah said...

Have you heard of Time Out for Women? They're coming to Seattle March 13-14, and I'm going! Check it out on deseretbook.com, then let me know if you want to come. My friend is ordering the tickets to save $10 each as a group.

amy said...

I Love you

Pattersons said...

AMEN SISTER! alone time(and a doughnut or wonderful rich pastry) is so necessary for those days(or weeks) when everything is not right in the world:) glad you took the time to do that.

jen said...

YES! You need to do that more often. When Ryan was in Iraq, my mom would come over weekly and relieve me of my duties and I would take off for hours, alone. I miss that. But ever since then, I have realized how important it is. I'd go crazy, otherwise. You've got a lot going on, and doing such a great job.

JMK said...

I'm having one of those weeks too. Maybe I need a doughnut run tonight. Wish you were here to indulge with me!

Tarah said...

You are definitely not alone (unless you want to be, in which case I will give you some space) in the needing "me" time dept. My breakers have been flipping quite freqently recently. But I like orange frosted donuts. :) If I could, I would send you one of those kitty hanging by a paw from a tree branch with the caption "hang in there" posters. Love ya.