Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Recap since last time I recapped recap.

Recap. Recap. The word sounds kinda funny when you say it a bunch of times. Is is short for something? Another word that I've been thinking about lately - ruthless. Where does that come from and can you be ruthful? Is it Biblical? I'm sure I could find these things out via google but I'd rather use my short time in front of the computer to recap.

{I couldn't help looking. Recap is short for recapitulation, or to put a cap on something. I also saw where it was surmised to mean recapture. All of which makes sense. Ruthless comes from the 12 century word reuthe which means pity, compassion. Never heard of it but maybe I'll start using it.}

Let the recapitulation begin! (now that sounds really dumb)

Ben - All work and no play makes Ben a dull boy. Not much new to report at this time. Although he did manage to turn 31 (and take us on a last minute road trip, and build a firepit and install a hammock). Here he is:

Miles - I think last time I mentioned Miles I was lauding him for being so independent. Well scratch that, reverse it, he has become quite clingy and doesn't want to be left anywhere in the house alone. I thought maybe it was a new baby thing but I think it's a nightmare thing. He said he saw a scary guy in the house and then described him to me. Now I won't go anywhere in the house alone. He has also started "playing" t-ball. "Playing" because they are mostly just learning the rules and playing wiffle ball indoors, it's not a competitive thing.

Avery - The highlight of Avery's last few months is probably her new haircut. She asked specifically for the "Grandma Leah".

She also took her first swimming lesson and is actually quite the backstroker.

Cruz - Eat, sleep, poop. And do it all again. He's great. He's also let us know that he is done with tummy time and he'll roll over any which way to get out of it.

Me - My dry-erase calendar read March until just last week so you can see how on top of things I am. I'm just happy to get Avery to the bus on time, Miles dressed everyday and get dinner on the table most nights. The rest of the time I spend staring at Cruz as he grows before my eyes. I also sweep three times a day and do lots of laundry. So I guess I do stuff, just nothing super interesting. I did manage to get my garden planted with seeds (my original seedlings died while we drove to Utah), now if we could only get some sun in this place things might grow. And eventually I will get pictures of our trip organized so I can post some of our more fun activities. Because we have had a lot of fun. I'm just irritable because I haven't seen legitimate sunshine for a great while. It's June for heavens sake. We should at least have had spring by now. The blooming rhodies and azaleas are spectacular though. If you like that sort of thing.

*If you don't get why I am complaining about our weather check out our recent forecast here. It's not looking much better for the week ahead. 55 and raining is to WA what 80 and sunny was to Hawai'i.


Erick & Norma said...

I finally have a chance to catch up on the blogging world, and, it seems like I've missed out on quite a bit with you guys. First off -- Happy Birthday to you and Ben! Loving all the posts about Cruz and the kids. Erick is still upset that his name choice didn't win :) just kidding. I'll try and see if I can maybe work on a blog post soon myself - I finally have a break from school this summer!

amy Woolace said...

Ha, welcome to the NW, where mother nature insists we look pale and white until September. I like Avery's new haircut, it is similar to the 'Maggie' as well, right? Miss you guys, and thinking of you often. We'll have to have a reunion sometime after July. xoxo

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

well even though the weather stinks, it looks beautiful!! I have to say that Avery looks quit a bit like Leah with the grandma Leah look! She looks cute as does your whole family. Hope to see you guys soon!

bethy said...

I giggled when reading your Miles recapitulation (I know that is not spelled right) discription of the scary guy. Poor kid, I was always on edge in our house about an intruder until we got our dog. I love having her and never thought that I would like having a dog.

I would love to come visit Washington, even if it is the land of rain. ;) You live about 30 minutes away from our other friends in Washington. It would be fun to see you both.