Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Not that kind of Thank You.

Scenerio: I have just vacuumed the floor of crumbs in the kitchen. I am helping Avery soak her rose plant overnight. She tries to help by transferring clumps of soil from one side of the sink to the other. It gets all over the floor.

Me: Oh Avery! Thanks a lot.

Avery: I'm sorry.

Me again: I just cleaned the floor. You should ask before you do something like that.

Silence. A few seconds pass.

Avery: Mom, I know what you meant when you said "thanks a lot". You didn't mean thanks a lot like when you are smiling. You meant the kind of thanks a lot you say with a mad face. It doesn't mean the same thing.

Anger Diffused.


TOVAR said...

Sadly, this post made me laugh. I have a really bad habit of saying whatever and I now hear it repeated frequently by Tiago when he is bothered or upset. I love the delineation of thank yous. Clever girl.

Pattersons said...

she's too smart that avery girl:)

xóchitl said...

i'm on guard with sarcasm also. my girls will look at me a little unsure and say, "is that sarcastic?" and i think, "how sad." fortunately, it's not after i've said things like, "i love you" or "you're amazing." phew!

JMK said...

That is the cutest thing. I love how their little minds work.