One of the great things about the military sending you all over is making new friends and meeting up with old friends in new places. We really hit the old friends made new again jackpot with our latest move. It's fun to meet new additions to families and amazing to see those we knew as toddlers and itty bitty babies all grown up! Some of you may recongnize some of our friends below:
From Hawaii we were lucky to have Eden (left), Kinley and Mya (right) join us in the Pacific Northwest.

Those we last knew on the East Coast include:

Aubrey, Lincoln(left) and Baby Jace (below)

Olivia (right) and the twins - Tenison and Henry (below)

Addyson and Kaitlin.

Zoe, Fischer and Bronwyn (as a mummy, a very cute mummy).

I'm kicking myself for not getting a better picture of the Spackman kids - Lila (pink jacket) and Jude (red striped polo).

(Above) Damaris and Baby Sam.
Some of the gals - April, Sarah and Melissa.
How fun for you to be with so many friends. It makes me homesick. I'm sure you're going to host many fun parties with delicious food. One day we'll meet up again.
Wow, I suddenly feel so lonely! Thanks a lot, Lynn--some friend you are. (Just teasing. :)) It was so fun to see so many pictures of old friends. I feel like everyone I've ever known now lives in Washington State!
Feeling a little left out, but I guess I'm living at the other "old friends" mecca of San Antonio. It's nice moving to a place and having built-in friends already there.
Jackpot! That's so awesome that there's so many of you out there right now. I felt like I knew everyone that was out there, but the pictures make it seem like a lot more.
I am so jealous that so many of you guys live so close to each other, how fun
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