Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Turkey Trot 10K

I entered the base's Turkey Trot and during a momentary lapse of judgement or perhaps overconfidence in my current level of fitness I checked the box next to the 10K instead of my usual 5K preference. I think I may have only ever done one other 10K, and now I remember why I don't usually run that far. It hurts. And although 6.2 miles doesn't sound all that long, it is. Especially if you are more of the sprinter variety and don't know a thing about pacing yourself. At about mile two I was regretting my decision. Instead of just kicking in that last mile, I had a whole nother 5K to run. :(

Like a real runner I was trying not to use my iPod but had it safely tucked into my sportsbra, along with my car key, in case I needed it. I eventually put it on but I was already so tired that I couldn't find a song that could pump me up (not even Eminem - who has helped me through the pain of two labors - could help me), but I had to leave it on because the alternative was to listen to myself sucking wind.

This was nothing like the turkey trots in middle school. Or maybe I'm just not the turkey trotter I once was.

On a positive note - the weather was a gorgeous 42 degrees - see Mt. Rainer below. And even though the race was free, they used the ChampionChip timing system, they had great finish line treats (thanks to REI and some other local sponsors), a goody bag with a t-shirt, cd, a koozie (you know - a can-insulator) with a caveman on it and some weird white towel thing that you might find in a hospital surgery room.
And thank you Melissa for watching my kids so I could punish myself.

-Time: 54:... (haven't seen an official time yet and was too tired to make note of the large clock at the finish line.


Sarah said...

Are you ready to torture yourself again? I'll be there to help you pace yourself--and I for sure don't run a 10K in 54 minutes. I just registered for the Santa Shuffle. HO! HO! HO!

Ambitious Crafter said...

You did awesome time, congrats on the accomplishment. BTW - I prefer to listen to music while I run. I typically keep songs that help to pace me (so I don't really have to think about it)

For various song selections, check out: www.shape.com/workouts/playlists/ or www.runnersworld.com/cda/special/0,7889,s6-240-466-0-0,00.html

Wilde ones said...

Impressive. . .
I dream of running (I seriously dream at night that I run without getting tired - then I wake up and see my big old belly). It'll be at least another 6 months before I can do anything real again. 4 more months of pregnancy and then a little time to recover. I am making plans to do some sprint triathlons and similar things once I'm back in shape. But, like you, I am a sprinter. I think 5k is as far as I'll ever need to run.

Anonymous said...

You mean listen to music when you walk not run Maria!

Pattersons said...


JMK said...

Awesome! I'm doing a 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks and there is no way I'll keep that pace! I hope to finish w/o much pain. It's great to get back into running again! Brings back good times.

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

Way too go Lynn! I'm wishing I was in good enough shape right now for a 5K let alone a 10K. Good for you!

ZooMom said...

You rock! Nice time, too ;-)

colby said...

What? How did I not see you there? I did the 5k! We need to keep in better touch about these things.