Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Seriously confused.

I'm not the greatest at keeping track of time (minutes and hours or weeks and months)- If I am writing a check I will for sure stare blankly at the date line until someone offers me the month for starters. And I don't have kids in school so I don't have a great gauge of seasons. Now, since we just went from endless summer to Autumn in July to a September heatwave I am really messed up - the Christmas decor popping up in the stores doesn't help either. But I really thought I had a handle on what day comes after Sunday. Today's Monday right? How come everytime I go to MSN.com it says Tuesday September 23 at the top. Did I sleep right through Monday? No wonder I got up so early today after being up so late (at least what I thought was) last night.


Juls said...

LOVE that photo! Definitely front page stuff.

Jennie said...

I started to write 1990 something on Nathan's permission slip yesturday. Your not the only one that never knows what the date is