This style update gave me just enough confidence to make me think that I might actually be able to traipse into Anthropologie and pull off one of their sassy looks. Unfortunately, looking like you have a stylist and affording to look like you have one are two different things indeed. But I still tried a few things on :)
I'm not sure if Ben is a fan of the bang or not, since after a month of being gone he said I could have come home bald and he would think I looked good. I did have the fear once when he called to say we were going over to a friend of his for a BBQ that he might add "and leave the bangs at home" but that's my own neuroses and inexperience managing the new 'do. I feel like it's a very fine line between looking like Heidi Klum and .... well ... this

So true with the fine line and bangs! I just want to know who that picture on the right is now! You always want to leep away from the bangs of the 90's. It seems like bangs just want to go that direction, though. You look so great! What is your secret. I hope I look as fit as you after I pop baby number three out!
Tu es tres belle ma cherie--et tres sensuelle! I think you speak French better than I do. I hardly remember any anymore. You look like a sophisticated French woman in that picture btw :)
Haha. You look so hot with those bangs! And whoever that crazy bang picture is of, they just got out of bed and need to take shower to calm those things down. And she cut them herself.
I love it, Lynn. Looks good.
dang girl! hot.
Not only are the bangs fabulous, you look fantastic. May be what I need is the possibility of being seen frequently in a bathing suit. My guess is, you just have been busy being you and so therefore the amount of energy you use a day gives you that fantastic physique.
your bangs look super cute!
i love pull it off really well!!!
also, Miles' "suavemente" music video is adorable! he gets cuter every time i see him!
P.S. i finally have a new post! check it out!
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