Ben - Back on General Surgery. Which means no hobbies (he hurt himself skateboarding last month anyhow) and no longer living the glamorous life of a plastic surgeon, he is now back to the insanely long days of removing peoples rectums (didn't know that was common or even possible but it is) and managing sundry surgical infections.
Medical word of the month is mittelschmerz (mit·tel·schmerz) def. pain in the area of the ovary that is felt at the time of ovulation. Use that in your next conversation and look super-intellegent.
Avery - Learned how to color. By herself. Up until now, coloring with her meant she'll pick out the picture and the hue and then it was all up to me. Not fun, although strangely therapeutic.
Likes to play zookeeper and panda with Miles. She's the zookeeper.
For me September brought ...
My first bounced check. I now have overdraft protection for my overdraft protection.
And new rules:
1. Two days a week (at least) are designated TV-free days. This is to show the TV that I am the boss of the house and we are not dependant on it for entertainment. Yes, I can record shows on those days, whichever they end up being (certainly not mon. or wed) but no one is allowed to watch anything. It's peaceful really.
2. All mail must be dealt with immediately upon retrieval. Junk mail will not even enter the house but will be discarded on the way in. Bills will be paid and filed immediately. No more junking up my counter!
What we're listening to: Ben Westbrook..I mean Eric Clapton Unplugged. I'm actually not a huge fan, but that's what's been on. I would have video but Ben caught me taping him.
What we're watching: Bronco's games. Ken Burn's The War on PBS. Top Chef (finale this week). The Office. Maybe Survivor: China (this is my first stab at watching Survivor and so far I'm not impressed with anything except the scenery). And unfortunately, I'm hesitant to admit it but... The Bachelor. The whole last season Officer and a Gentleman thing got me hooked again. Even though they broke up. And for the kids...SuperWhy on PBS, it's great for pre-readers and incorporates good messages as well...cause when mom says you gotta "keep trying" or "practice makes perfect" it goes in one ear and out the other, but when a cartoon says it...gospel!
Stock picks: I bounced a check. No financial advice from me this month :)
September Babies! Well, one's an end of August baby..
Meet Tami's new baby Audrey
and Tarah's firstborn Ava
It was quite entertaining reading your recap, it was great! I totally can't wait for the Top Chef finale, I want the girl to win (now I can't remember her name)! The Office is one of our fave shows as well. Tell Ben that some girl came up to Erick the other day and asked Erick if he was a pro skater...totally boosted his ego big time! I was teasing him, it was pretty funny.
miles is so adorable. avery's a crack up. kit got his guitar back from peanut and has been practicing too. i think he and ben should start a band again. they could call it 'last whack' (combo of last chance and punk whack). you and i could be back up singers, we better brush up on our step touch.
Hey Lynn,
It's Andy. I'm making a postcard to send to clients. Can I steal the bubbles/palm tree picture from your website to use for the postcard? Or if you have any other "post card-ish" looking pictures it would be much appreciated. I'm not real creative so any help is appreciated.
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