Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

No YOU be quiet.

Yesterday, around the time the day gets exteremely long (but still rewarding) staying home with two small people and no husband I just wanted to sit on the couch and read a magazine and watch TV. Plus I thought I had a chance being that I was one down since Avery was still napping after a hard day of playing princess (apparently a girl gets tired slaying dragons and running from evil queens all day). I am trying to insert the binky so that Miles and myself can relax but he's resisting and shaking his head around. But I'm not really watching him because I'm checking out my list of saved shows. All of the sudden he has control of the bink and he shoves it in my mouth. And then he laughs.

1 comment:

kelly said...

that is awesome! my little guy thinks it is hilarious when i put the pacy in my mouth and he tries to steal it.