At church a few weeks ago, during the Sacrament (the quietest and most reflective time of the service), Avery leaned over to me and says:
"Mom, I know there are two meanings to the word gay...and I don't know what one of them is... but I do know the other and boy Cruz sure is looking gay right now. (Cut to Cruz who is looking extremely extremely happy).
Here he is looking the other meaning.

*Note: It is very surprising to me that Avery, ever curious and wanting to know all, would not want to know (or insist on knowing) what the other 'gay' is. That wasn't the moment to discuss it (although I'm sure that the two lesbian sisters a few rows back wouldn't have minded) and I tried to bring it up another time when it seemed appropriate but she didn't seem interested. So, I guess we will shelve that conversation for another day.
"Mom, I know there are two meanings to the word gay...and I don't know what one of them is... but I do know the other and boy Cruz sure is looking gay right now. (Cut to Cruz who is looking extremely extremely happy).
Here he is looking the other meaning.
*Note: It is very surprising to me that Avery, ever curious and wanting to know all, would not want to know (or insist on knowing) what the other 'gay' is. That wasn't the moment to discuss it (although I'm sure that the two lesbian sisters a few rows back wouldn't have minded) and I tried to bring it up another time when it seemed appropriate but she didn't seem interested. So, I guess we will shelve that conversation for another day.
Hilarious picture!
Wow! How observant! I can't believe she picked up on the original meaning of the word, seeing as it's uncommon these days.
Love your blog!
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