From a distance my garden looks good but production of actual things to eat has been weak. Apparently you need sun to yeild fruit. All I can hope for is an extended growing season via a mild fall. But I'm not holding my breath.
I would really really like at least one full size ripe tomato, I do have seven large leafy plants after all (plus a cherry and a grape size). But it isn't all bad.
I would really really like at least one full size ripe tomato, I do have seven large leafy plants after all (plus a cherry and a grape size). But it isn't all bad.
I grew four different types of green beans this year - three with climbing tendancies (Malibu, Tall Telephone and Yard Long) and one bush. The bush variety was Burgandy (purple really) which turned green when you cooked them which was fun.
Plenty of lettuce. Our climate is good for that. And a beet. Never been a fan of beets but I think that was just the pickled kind they served on salads at the San Gorgonio Inn. Now that I'm grown up I can handle a roasted or sliced fresh beet now and then. I grew the Chiogga type which has flesh kind of like a bullseye.
Rainbow Chard. A cousin of the beet. Flavor is okayish. Healthy for sure and a beautiful addition to the garden.
Sun Gold cherry tomatoes. All 5 of them.

One cucumber. Burpless. Whatever that means.

Tomatillos. Difficult to grow from seed. My seeds didn't grow but I bought a small plant that turned into a large plant with tons of fruit. I just hope that they can ripen.
The tomatillo plant is like four feet by four feet wide. It makes good shade for the lettuces.
Broccoli. It grew but I didn't realize it prefers cooler weather and planted it in the same sunny row as my Japanese eggplant which likes it hot. And hasn't fruited yet.
Tomatillos. Difficult to grow from seed. My seeds didn't grow but I bought a small plant that turned into a large plant with tons of fruit. I just hope that they can ripen.