Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sweep the Leg.

Miles has a recent obsession with karate. Not real karate but Hollywood karate a la Daniel Larusso and Mr. Miyagi (just yesterday he was trying to catch a fly in the house with a pair of scissors (they were just safety scissors). Because of the movie he also has an obsession with saying the word sh*t - (which he unfortunately uses quite appropriately) I originally blamed this on Ben but had I checked out IMDb before letting my kids watch the movie countless times I would had been aware that Karate Kid has "2 "s" words, 9 damns, 4 asses, and 1 hell" . (although when I counseled Miles on not saying that word he did implicate his father by challenging with "but dad says it when he's watching basketball" That's what I thought.)

Anyhow, I made him a Miyagi headband (with an old shirt and a black sharpie) and let him go to town. He also has an all black one when he is feeling like showing "no mercy".

You don't want none of this.


Erika said...

that is AWESOME....all the way down to that flannel shirt, he could be the next Karate Kid...well Will Smith's son beat him to it, but there will always be another one...

Breeana said...

That is SO cute. We will definitely have to get Miles and Ben together. Ben is always trying to teach Isabella karate moves and she couldn't care less. He would appreciate a receptive student. :)

Tarah said...

That i sh*t is hilarious!! By the way, I did not forget that you turned another year older (and will remind you that you are OLDer than me).. I meant to write to you all day and just kept forgetting. I am also getting OLDer, even if you remain OLDer... :) Love ya!

Brittany said...

That is too funny!!! And Cruz is adorable by the way.