Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Funny - A whole bunch of nuts (PG-18)

Current news obsession - the ACORN story. (Which reminds me that I need to watch Heroes on the High Seas that I taped weeks ago, but pirates arrrrrgh old news now). This story cracks me up. (Especially as told by Jon Stewart below.) I have nothing against ACORN (I know a great person who went to work for them after college) and I have no political agenda - I didn't even vote in the last election. Gasp*.

Although the story is not supposed to be funny, it's so ridiculous and blatantly illegal that it is . (And it's a welcome break from news about murders and abductions.) Although I do feel a little bit sad about the ladies who lost their jobs and were (or should be) embarrassed by what was shown on national TV. Anyway here's a few minutes of inappropriate fun for your Friday, and if you have a half-hour or more read the 70 page transcript from the San Bernardino ACORN office visit. Actually don't waste your time, but in it the representative admits not only to have formerly owning an escort service but also to killing her ex-husband. Okay, waste your time watching this video.

Now I've got to get back to important things like finding out if you can contract Swine Flu from yoga mats at the gym before Miles wakes up.

**Update - Apparently there is now a San Diego office video. This time it is a male employee. What is funny is that when the first one came out ACORN said this was one solitary office and that they were kicked out of any other ones they attempted to go undercover in. Oops.

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* I know, completely unamerican of me. I had trouble getting my absentee ballot and then just plain wasn't inspired enough to get registered locally. I have voted in previous elections and think voting is important but I was feeling rather neutral on issues and personalities this year. I still feel that way.

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