Gross I know. This work of art has been in the process of growing for like threee weeks now. At first I just averted my eyes when speaking with him. Now unfortunately it's become normal. I said normal - not pretty. The only time it's not normal is when we are at places of business and supposed to be taken seriously and I look at him talking and I wonder what other people think. They don't know it's a joke. Ben had a guy come give us a bid on stone work for the house and the guy had been in the Army at one time, after speaking for a while it came up that Ben was also in the Army and the guy asked - "E6, E7?" When Ben mentioned he was an officer the guy said oh - "you don't look like an officer". But that could be because Ben just doesn't look like an officer, or it could be that sick thing on his lip. Ben thought that it would earn him more respect with the construction workers...
I think he would look especially villainous if he grew out a handlebar type but Army regs prevent such nonsense.
So we will be graced with the presence of the 'stache for two and a half more weeks per contest rules. I don't know how you win or if there is a prize. All is I know is that we all win when it is gone.
I'm with you girl - gross on the facial least with my guy...never been a fan
C'mon we all know that to earn your street creds with the construction workers you've just got to be able to whistle well. And I think constructions workers go more for the beard, unless of course you're a Parisian/Barista/ Construction Worker.
You're hilarious--what type of contest is it?
Sorry you can't make it to the movie tonight--plan on a Bachelor finale at my place if you can. I'll DVR it, and we can start a little late.
And I so know what you mean about the ease of commenting versus an email or--gasp--picking up the phone. This is further reason for you to get on facebook--yet another means of avoiding one's friends while still connecting. =)
Erick said...
That is Gross Ben! You need to shave that ridiculous thing off.
I didn't even know that Ben could grow facial hair. It's kind of disturbing to see him with hair above his lip. Shave it when he's asleep!
Erick is one to speak!!!! I can't believe him, he has refused to cut his hair for about 6 months! It's unruly! He says "the girls like it"...whatever! AND HE'S NOT IN ANY TYPE OF CONTEST!
Well I, for one, think it looks rather dashing.
He looks like he want to be Charlie Chaplin....nice.
Kudos to you for putting up with it (contest included). I would have complained everyday...although I think it take Derek longer than 3 weeks to grow one. hee hee.
Such a great post. I love reading your blog!
I agree!! I had no idea the Army would even allow that. He does look more like a construction worker, he got that right!! ha ha
Yeah, What's up with those contests? I don't get it. If it was a whole beard, or even a goat-T...but a dirty-stache...come on!! Where's the style?
And I LOVE the bread and butter lesson! What a great idea--I should've looked sooner because we had that lesson today--not that I taught it but cool idea! (And very domestic)
I'm with you, Lynn. I vote no facial hair. Justin had a goatee in high school that he thought was SO cool. (I have only seen pictures, but I think not so cool.) Thank goodness the Army doesn't allow goatees.
Google David Niven.........
OMG, that was funny! I miss you guys...
Hilarious. Maybe you should refuse to kiss him, would that work?
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