No, we didn't get tickets for this years inauguration ceremony - I would have loved to - either to be there or to sell them on eBay - although you get a much better and warmer view from the comfort of your own home.
We did get to go in 2005, Avery was a year old and we went with our friends Dom and Annette. I remember having to go to many a building to find Sen. Feinsteinn's office and then on the actual day having to walk very very far to find an entrance and their being many many people on the Metro and on the mall. After all that we could barely get a glimpse of the swearing in.
So the funny thing is as I was searching for this picture, when I pulled it up I realized that I was wearing almost the EXACT same thing today, four years later. The same pink puffy vest, the same black fleece jacket and although I can't see them I'm 90% sure that I was wearing the same jeans as well (I wore the same outfit yesterday too, so I guess the probability of this occurring is pretty high). And I still have that hat and gloves. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. Either way, as Erica C. pointed out, I have "an inauguration outfit". Not as beautiful as Mrs. O's inauguration day outfits but an outfit nonetheless.
Much better than the red and black dress, no?
I put the props on her attire in there for you. Just so you knew that I recognized her style. And the girls were adorable too. Avery agrees and she's the stylish one in this family.
I heard that the J Crew website crashed yesterday after Mrs O (I like that!) told someone that she'd gotten the girls' outfits/coats from there.
Thanks to you, we were also there. Too bad Fernando and Mia were sick at home and I was nauseous with Tiago in the belly, but there outside of the partitions listening to now former President Bush with April and Dave. Good times. You Rock!
How neat...same outfit huh? I'm guilty of that too - same outfit in 2 consecutive family Christmas cards when I was in college - yikes.
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