Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A proper retirement

Yesterday we decided that, despite how much we love the holiday season, it was mid-January and the Christmas tree needed to come down. So after packing up all the ornaments (the tree was pretty anemic in the first place. One string of lights, a homemade star, about a dozen hangy balls) we threw it in the back of my truck and took it to the lot where we have a dumpster. After once again making the kids hang out in the back of our wagon well into the hours of darkness while we worked on the house I decided to reward them with a show. Instead of just tossing the tree into the dumpster I would retire it in a much more noble, Westbrook fashion. Taking advantage of our spacious and mostly saturated lot, I set her ablaze. As this little 4 foot tree threw flames 10 feet or more into the air and glowing embers another 30 feet above that, we noticed the neighbors had all come to their windows to appreciate the festivities along with our family. It was at that point that Lynn reminded, "Did you remember that our neighbor is a fire marshall?"

"No. No I didn't"

Post by Ben (I can't change it now or the comments would be erased)


Sarah said...

That is awesome...I'm sure your kiddos enjoyed that - I know the kid in me would have

jen said...

what a good daddy. you bng boys can always find a good source of entertainment. although i'm sure i'd be a bit nervous of what the neighbors thought too, oh well!

Lynn said...

It was awesome - except that besides our revelation about the neighbor, while searching (after the fact) to see whether it is illegal to burn christmas trees outdoors it turms out that the county instituted a "burn ban" the day before (due to "stagnant air") and folks are not even supposed to be having fires in their wood-burning fireplaces. whoops.

hopefully the neighbor thought that if we were idiotic enough to set a christmas tree ablaze right next to our newly framed house... well i'm not sure how that would help our standing...

sara said...

i'm just barely getting our christmas decorations down i just haven't had any time to do it.

Christine said...

yeeeaaaah, just about all of my childhood memories of my brothers and Westbrook boys involve fire...and some sort of flammable liquid...