Did you know that you have six choices for president? Six candidates who made it on the ballot? I am proud to say that I only had to Wikipedia one of the presidential hopefuls, and only one got a smirk and a chuckle. One got an I like you but you're really running again sigh. (Another got an I don't care for your platform or your parrot skit, but you're really running again eyebrow raise. Sorry Nate.) So that either leaves us with two legitimate candidates, or a lot of research to do between now and next Tuesday.
One more week until history is made*. It will be age, race or gender that breaks new ground. And while what that will mean for us as a country may not be apparent for months, we only have but a few days until we find out who America has chosen! And then I for one, will be cheering the widespread removal of signs that litter our city streets and hateful, non-issue commercials that litter our airwaves...for another four years.
*Bob Barr probably does not break any new ground if elected. Unless, of course, previous presidents have not had a mustache. I will say however, that he made a fine choice in running mate Wayne Root, who is a professional sports handicapper and author of many books including "The Zen of Gambling" and "The Joy of Failure!: How to Turn Failure, Rejection, and Pain into Extraordinary Success". I suggest that he might want to dust off that last one...
Ah voting with the two party dominance. I am surprized that you have 6 Presidential hopefuls. In Texas they only listed 3. . .interesting. One week more!
I can't wait till it's over! Too funny about Wayne Root:).
My question is why is the ballot in english and spanish? Don't you have to be a citizen to vote and when you become a citizen don't you have to be able to speak/read english or am I just being naive on this one? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but then again neither has this campaign season... I'm with you Lynn on the commericals to stop and signs to disappear :)
kimberley ann rico! how dare you criticize the placement of the language of your forefathers (ancestors, relatives?) on the ballot.
but thank you for reminding me of my question of whether or not a ballot in other countries is also in english as well? it's not like the name changes with the language.
and rachelle, that is very interesting indeed that yours only has three choices...utah or tx my dear?
Yes - that would be my relatives and ancestors (half of them anyway) - but all of them that were not and have become citizens read and speak english better than some of the kids in my mom's 5th grade class :)
Scrub my public toilet, flip my burger, build my house and all the other thankless, nasty jobs that no "american" would lower themselves to - but if you are going to vote then I ask that you know the language.
Gee-whiz - who knew I had a political bone in my body - I guess we'll just chaulk that one up to Mary Alice's influence :)
And as for rachelle's comment - if it was in Texas than they probably just simplified and listed them as
Canidate 1. Dumb
Canidate 2. Dumber
Canidate 3. Dumbest
Lots of bickering between parties, its true. Perhaps that is the concession we pay for freedom, living in a republic. Better than the alternative, no?
I understand there was very little party bickering in Saddam's Iraq, or behind the walls of the Soviet bloc, or even Nazi Germany. At least, the newspapers there rarely mentioned it. As tasteless as it may be, perhaps we should be concerned that our newspapers always do.
If you're undecided -- there's always the write in option! Lynn for president! I think you'd do a fine job.
Ah, no comment on Happy Halloween post? I love, LOVE your new picture of the kids on the blog. That's a classic!!!! And I HATE the election. The only thing I could agree with in our R.S. lesson yesterday was that the politicians, bankers, and the like will be in the "lowest kingdom." That gives you a taste of how things are in our ward. Can't wait for a calling. I hit up the bishop for one after church.
That's a joke btw. about the "lowest kingdom." I hate those lessons.
We only had 3 in GA too. I felt a little left out.
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