Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Art History 101 - Chiaroscuro

How can two little bodies with the same genetic input and same exposure to the sun have such different complexions?


Kimi said...

What's the complexion of the milk man again? No, it's called recessive genes

colby said...

That looks just like Olivia sitting next to Tenison - Olive vs. milky white. I guess it's what she got from Colby and what he got from me! We're getting excited to see you here in WA soon!

TOVAR said...

Welcome to our family! Mia appropriately noted the other day "Tiago is really dark".

Pattersons said...

way cute-i should send you pics. of my 3-they start dark, darker and darkest. we've spent quite a bit of time out in the sun-can you blame us?