Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

January Recap

January was split in half between home (HI) and home (CA). Unfortunately it was also split by health and illness. Because I firmly believe that one does not and cannot get sick in Hawaii we got every single illness that one would get over the course of a year in two weeks shortly after we touched down on the mainland. This even after diligent hand-washing (and face and noses) in every public place we visited. I, of course, demanded that Ben tell me why we got sick despite my efforts and he said sometimes it's just not enough and then he prescribed us ibuprofen (that's a little inside joke that you would know had you ever called him (or any dr. I'm finding out) for medical advice, it's best to come to me if you want compassion and a real remedy). Now for the usual breakdown:

Ben - Not sure exactly what he did since except work nights and sleep except that I know that it at leats a portion of his time was spent baking, as evidenced by the utensils in the dishwasher. Either that or he didn't know where the dishes were and had to eat his cereal in a measuring cup with a spatula. His report on working the night-shift was favorable as it allowed him to see daylight and enjoy the commute that he loves so much (seriously, it's the most beautiful drive), he also enjoyed being the primary surgeon during those hours.

Miles - Thinking, thinking... Besides starting the chain of vomiting that has, at current count, claimed 8 victims, I'm at a loss. If anyone else recalls anything of note please let me know.

Avery - Turned four, about a million times (I finally had to inform her that her bday was in fact over on Feb 9, when she had her last cake and her last wish of this year). Her birthday wishes, which I realize are supposed to be secret but I had to ask on her first one and from then on she quieted the room and would announce her hearts desires to a then captive audience. They ranged from the first and my favorite "that I would never fear" to the least likely "that God would give me rainbow hair". I must admit that the thought of her getting older and more intelligent is extremely frightening to me, so I think I'm going to have to copy her never fear* wish on my bday. As she told me with her eyes on her first day of life outside the womb, she is smarter than me.

Me - Well, what January didn't bring me was the intense workout plan I had intended to engage in, however, the stomach flu we got did result in a few lost pounds. Unfortunately, they found me again...hahaha.

I also launched the kids modeling career this month with a photo-shoot that deserves a post all it's own, once I overcome the embarrassment of the fact that I actually launched my kids modeling career.

*not to be confused with "no fear", I don't need any t-shirts coming my way.


TOVAR said...

Yeah for January being over. I bet now you wished you listened to that fabulous advice from the dietitian. May be Miles could have gained weight whilst puking. Enjoy the last bits of Hawaii. Knowing you, Washington will become the best place to live with tonz of amazing things to do.

sara said...

a birthday wish for avery- shall you never fear a modeling career. it was so great to see you, even though i imagined us doing a lot more stuff. i am really excited to come see you. so, get started on the dry run of events and plan out the star sightings. lol.