Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Good Morning Sun

So my kids are still on PST and have been waking up before sunrise. Remember when I said I was more of a sunset person, well that may be about to change. Being that we will be moving back West (technically East) I think I will stay on this new schedule and maybe I'll accomplish more before noon (I may actually get dressed). Since I've made pancakes, caught up with the news, my house is in perfect order (down to the perfectly situated Coastal Living magazine on the bedside table thanks to a surprise house showing yesterday - nothing like a little incentive to unpack) and the kids are already back down for a morning nap, what do I do today?


I wish I had taken this picture.


johnEboy said...

Hey Westbrooks! Beth and I will be on Oahu next week and would love to come say hi. If you get a chance shoot me an email at jwemmett@hotmail.com.

Christine said...

Lynn! I'm so glad you found my blog, it's good to hear from you. And I love comments, don't we all? Ahhh, th validation that someone actually read my post and is interested in tidbits from my life :)
So guess what? Terese Plant is in my ward now, I saw "Westbrooks" linked on her blog and thought it had to be you guys. Sure enough. Small world, Terese is great.
I loved the threading thing you guys did, I saw it on Chelsey and Dave's blog, too. Man, now I am going to have to admit to all the people who I spy on :) I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing, but I'm so excited that in this new blog world, I can keep up with all the Westbrooks and Booths. I've been feeling so homesick for Banning lately, it's nice to see what everyone is up to.

jen said...

that's a gorgeous picture! so...the pepper spread is just a little mayo and chopped up green bell pepper! top it with cheddar cheese, broil, then a sliced tomato, broil again. give it a dash of s & p and it's ready to go. it's so easy and so good, you have to try it.