Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Fourth Bday!!

Despite my threats that if she didn't stop doing this or that thing* she wouldn't turn four, Avery made it to the big day. She has already informed us that she wants to turn four and then five and then stop (because at five you can be a dolphin "trainer"). She also asked me, while semi-fake weeping, if she could live with me forever, even when she has a baby and gets married. As long as it's not in that order, she can.

When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday she simply replies "celebrate" so celebrate we have. On Saturday I took her to see Enchanted with a friend from church (super cute, I totally can't wait to buy this movie...and I don't usually care to own movies), they danced in the aisles during the credits. Today, I am taking her to get ice cream with two of her other friends then we will have a quick celebratory meal with dad before he goes to work.

*this or that consists of stunts like stealing her brothers binky, not going to bed when I say, talking back to adults - for instance she is really into no smoking or no whatever signs, we were at a doctors office recently and a lady was talking on her cell phone while standing right next to a sign that indicated no cell phones with the red circle & slash and I could tell that A. was dying to say something to her but was getting glared at by me to not say anything and when I left the waiting room to talk to the nurse I observed her proceed to (kindly) inform the lady that you weren't supposed to use phones in the waiting room.

This kind of self-confidence/righteousness is highly annoying to me in a child and I am trying to do everything I can to stop her from thinking she is "in charge" (any suggestions from anyone on how to reign in the strong-willed child?). Of course privately I do see the humor in some of her antics, like most recently, at church when she tried to leave her seat to go into the foyer and I threatened her that she would have to go sit in the car she instantly bared her teeth, and drew up her arms and legs into the Karate Kid pose at me in defiance. Yikes! Which leads me to a further warning - watch out, because she is into fake slapping too, but don't worry, she'll give you a tutorial on how to move your head before she throws one on you. I always thought being a stunt woman would be cool so maybe that's what she's going for. I am a little scared at what age 4-5 will bring but I'm sure it will be both entertaining and challenging.


Tami said...

Happy Birthday Avery. We miss her fun spirit so much. Carol's just the same, it must be something about being born in January (you'll have to ask your grandma about that). We have something we're sending in the mail (along with chocolates-sorry it's so late, and yes they still taste good. I would know because I ate a couple tonight).

Terese said...

Avery is such a doll! All tthose pictures are so darling. I think she could totally be a model! That might be fun to have her and her someday husband living with you?:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I have the book "Parenting the Strong-Willed Child" on my desk at work right now. Just come visit me in Omaha and you can borrow it:)


Anonymous said...

Christy- Is that book by Dr. James Dobson? If so, I've read it. My parents had it for when I was a child.


alise said...

Aren't you, the birthday girl + little squirt in Cali now?

Funny how you find some of Avery's personality traits annoying. Hunter has some traits that I saw in a young boy while working at a school--I thought to myself, I hope my child is never like X. Well, guess what I got!

He is so much like me (and, fortunately, so not like me). But why has he "inherited" my most annoying traits. I guess that's what stands out the most to us. Anyway Avery..."And if I had a wish that it would be a Happy, Happy Birthday to you from...us!!!

sara said...

i am convinced that avery is turning six, because the stuff she comes up with and says are not four-year-old level. can't wait to see her again.

April said...

Happy Birthday Avery! It's so amazing how quickly we have gone from having baby showers in an unfinished kitchen to having 4 year olds! Wow. I still laugh when I remember you telling us that Avery was oohhing and aahhhing over "chocolate week" on the Food Network! She's got so much greatness ahead of her. Yay Avery!

Anonymous said...

The book is by Rex Forehand and Nicholas Long. How can you pass up a book by a guy named Rex? Actually, it is one of the books that they recommend we read upon starting here. Trust me, I have enough books for any dedicated parent. Just give me a childhood problem and I can provide the leisure reading on the solution:)
