Miles - When he's not busy tracking and killing large ants (with his patented pinch and release method) and then bringing his prize to mom, he spends his time eating clementines (up to 5 a day. we're going to have to send him over to orangebooth soon), pressing buttons on the remote, speed dialing old friends and, of course, dancing. When we are out and about and he sees a fellow two-footer of the opposite-sex he has been putting the moves on them, hugging, patting on the back and if they don't resist he'll go in for the smooch. In sad news- he got 15 mosquito bites, primarily on the right side of the face and as many on his right leg and foot. It looked like the chicken pox and put a crimp in his game with the ladies for a few days since he looked rather contagious.
Avery - Participated in her first primary program at church and said her three lines loud and clear. Luckily I had heard Dr. Phil say a few days beforehand that "every child has a price, and you just need to find out what it is" and so I
Avery also told Ben she wants him to grow his hair long "like Dog the Bounty Hunter".
I'll get the crimping iron ready.
Me- Another month has snuck up on me. Christmas shopping, holiday functions and preparing for vistors (which we are excited to have most all of next month) and watching Iron Chef America: Battle Sugar, has kept me on the move and away from the computer, then when I get on I would rather check out what everyone else has been up to than write myself, luckily (for who, I'm not sure) I write down a few snippets here and there which I can turn into a real post when I get in the mood.
Christmas cards won't be happening again this year, because chances of us getting a cute family picture in the next two weeks are slim (it's hard to get four people looking good all at once y'all (in my head that sounded like a Britney Spears impression)) because last year we even had a good picture (thank you Terese) and I still didn't send any out. By the way, what do I do with 50 copies of last ye

David Hockney would do something like this...

Anyhow, I can't believe my next monthly recap will be in 2008.
Novemeber Poll Results:
(Instead of deleting them into oblivion, I decided that I better start recording the poll results somewhere in a post because otherwise how can I look back and know, that carmel apples was the favorite halloween treat and that 6 out of 10 people would exercise if they had an extra hour in theday and that most voters would choose the energy boost for their jamba juice? Your vote does count)
This months poll was a test of sorts (Joke - If a quizzical is a small quiz then what do you call a small test? haha, that's one for all of you who had Mr. Barnes' logic least that's where I heard it :)) but everyone who voted failed. I know that because there were two votes for the right answer and I voted twice - correctly.
The question was What Scripture is NOT printed on an IN-N-OUT cup or wrapper?
Choices: John 3:16, Hebrews 5:7, Proverbs 3:5, Revelation 3:20 or Nahum 1:7
The answer is Hebrews 5:7. See here for verification. Those who got it wrong, your punishment is to immediately go to In-N-Out and order everything with a wrapper (or maybe just order this). And then go home and read your Bible. And yes, Nahum is an actual book in there.
In other news:
Congrats to the Honeycutts on their handsome new baby boy, James David Honeycutt III. He looks very excited (or tired from his journey) to be joining us here on earth. Don't worry buddy, you have extremely fun parents!

Just for fun: Some of us Westbrook gals launched a blog to share and exchange recipes and food info. We don't have a whole lot posted yet but we're having a good time testing recipes for it.
i can't wait to get my hockney christmas card! mia saw the pictures of your family in hawaii and she is ticked that we don't live there. so am i. everyday she asks me when are we going to move. i guess she's feeling a little cramped here with my parents. but trey never asks, because as soon as we move he knows that's the end of hot breakfast for him. bye bye chalkboard. miss you guys.
I think I am going to hire you to write my blog. I love to read your blog! With me, I never know what to write and then after I post I want to re-write it. Anyways...glad to see you guys are doing well. I think you should just send last year's pictures this year as Christmas cards...better than nothing, don't you think? Oh yeah, and Erick's eye is pretty much completely healed...thanks for asking :)
I sooo loved all those pictures you had on Shutterfly. I think a bunch of those are definitely cardworthy. You live in such a beautiful place. It's so fun to see and hear about. Miles is a crack up. He could definitely give me a smooch anyday!
I love that Miles is a little ladies man! That's so funny. I can't wait to see Miles in action.
Thanks Lynn for the book. I had forgotten that I won. I will read it over christmas break as I am in the middle of finals right now. Although, one of my finals is immigration law and the book seems to deal somewhat with immigration. I wonder if I include it on my test if I will receive extra points. DAvid Booth
One question for you lynn - why the puffy vest? was it really that cold in hawaii or were you trying to get into the Christmas spirit?
Lynn, you are my hero! I'm just going to ditch the Christmas card and go with "you received a mid-year update birth announcement"!
I left something out...LONG LIVE THE PUFFY VEST!
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