Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

VOTE for Sara!

Do not pass GO, do not collect $100, do not read my other posts that I added below, go directly to this website: http://www.milliehollomanblog.com/ and vote for this picture -


It is Election Day after all. What else do you have to vote for today, besides propositions to save our children and our environment?! Now when someone asks if you voted today you can say yes! (It's also okay to vote tomorrow, when it's likely that you actually read this). She made the various iPods out of foam core that she put in the machine, not to mention eveything else that went into the shoot. Just because she won another contest recently (that was way back in October) doesn't mean she doesn't deserve another victory. Let's make her famous so we can all say we know her. And be grateful that I'm not asking you to submit an online vote for one of my kids in a lineup of a thousand others. This is real talent we're talking about here! (And if you have multiple computers, vote twice)


sara said...

thanks for your support and your votes.

Unknown said...


Erick & Norma said...

That is an awesome picture, I love it! I voted and I'll make sure Erick votes when he gets home from work! Great job Sara!

kelly said...

i voted too!