Occasionally, a nice long drive is good mommy therapy. And drive we did, up to the PCC and the temple visitors center in Laie. A 25 mile journey that takes an hour but one of the most beautiful 60 minutes ever. Bonus -both kids took a nap, which is what I was hoping for. Which is good because they needed it and I didn't feel like answering one of Avery's million questions about life. (Sometimes I wish I had one of those divider windows between the front and back seats, like in a limo)
I just wanted to watch coastline, the kids walking home from school barefoot (Alise you would love it here) and revel in the still novel fact that we live on an island.
And...Avery and I took an hour long Ukelele lesson at the PCC. I now know 4 chords and can, in theory, play "
You are my Sunshine". It doesn't sound like an actual song to me but strumming it makes me feel like a local.
I know I would love it. Stop it! :) I really miss you guys--I think we're overdue for a phone conversation (is that allowed? I almost feel like I would be breaking some kind of blogging code or rule) I love that you don't feel so far away--thanks to blogging.
that video of miles with the sink stoppers is so cute. he reminded me of mia.
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