Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Malasada's are a Portugese doughnut that we get to enjoy here on Oahu. Ben can't resist pulling over to get them when he sees the van that sells them (must be the Portugese in him). Leonards Bakery is the most famous vendor. They are the Krispy Kreme of Hawaii, and like KK, these are best enjoyed hot and fresh out of the oven. I like mine with chocolate pudding inside.


kelly said...

oh! i'm jealous. those are sooo good.

Unknown said...

Looks good, but I bet it's not as good as my favorite place...Kennys! Also owned by another ethnicity, but I'm not quite sure which one!

Terese said...

I just got caught up on your posts. You guys have such an amazing life out there! Donuts and all! I'm so glad I get to see a part of it:)

Tami said...

Make sure you eat one of those for me, or maybe one for me and one for the baby.