So Avery is going through my things as I'm trying to organize and continuing to unpack (yes it's been three weeks) and she starts crying, more of a whine but with tears, "Why am I not in these pictures" Explanation: "Honey, you weren't born yet" (
even though your parents are from Banning, we decided to do things differently and get married first, although that decision probably ultimately cost your mom the homecoming crown...)
Unfortunately not being born yet, is not a good enough reason in Avery's book and she continues to go through the pictures of various events, bridal shower, honeymoon etc. sobbing (yet still whining) and tossing them aside while saying " I wasn't here (pause, toss), I wasn't here (pause, toss), I wasn't here (pause, toss)... finally she looks at me and says "I should have been there" Period.
Luckily my camera was nearby.

Made me laugh (almost Ryan-like :)So funny!
i love avery! my sister linda was homecoming queen and miss teenage california, lisa was prom queen, as for me i was never crowned. i still have my acceptance speech prepared just in case. but i am going to change the part when i say 'world peace' to 'global warming'.
It's Nancy...
Great story! I'm still laughing!
Cute little Avery. That is so funny!
Tell Avery to talk to your mom - ahahahaha!!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist - oh the drama!!!!
Fernando's brother had the same break down when looking at some old family pictures. Don't worry, he is only somewhat emotionally damaged! Count it as a good sign. She obviously loves being apart of the family.
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