Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Frank the Frog II

The kids got their first pet.  A Pacific Tree Frog that they found nearby.  I am fairly anti-pet, because I don't have time to take care of one more animal in this house, but I could deal with this.  Plus I knew they would tire of taking care of him anyway.  They were so excited to make a nice home for him and go to Petsmart and get crickets for him (which he never ate), but they were ultimately concerned that he might starve to death and after a few attempts to give him confined freedom to roam outside where he didn't take advantage of the smorgasborg of insects, they let him hop away into a crack in our retaining wall.  Goodbye Frank II (Frank the Frog I lives in a fountain in San Clemente CA)


JMK said...

I don't do pets either. Julia just informed me that for only $6 she can buy herself a pet rat. No thanks!

sara said...

Frank #1 turned out to be a girl, so they switched her name to Frankie. She laid her eggs and then hopped away. We enjoyed raising the tadpoles. (lost a few to the birds) and then they grew up and hopped away. I think I reciting Charolette's Web. The summer of the frogs have left the kids with the joy of raising frogs and me with a stinky green fountain.