I may very well be the last person online to know about Pinterest. ( What, I'm not stylish enough to be invited? I think I addressed that issue fully in my last post, but what better place to help the style and time challenged than this site?)

If I am indeed not the last person, allow me to introduce you to this amazing place- a virtual pinboard to collect design ideas, recipes, books you want to read, trip plans etc. etc. This just may solve the problem I have of keeping a million browsers open at one time and dragging down the speed of my computer. I can also do without lists scattered around everywhere with things I need to check out. Plus it is fun to see what your friends have pinned. Since I can't dedicate any time to Facebook, I am happy to network on this visually stunning site with a quick visit. It just makes me happy to look at it. And hungry. Will it make me a better mom? Probably not, but the kids just might get a better playroom out of it.
I had not heard of it. And, like you, I really need to dedicate more time to my abandoned blog. I was tempted to request the invitation thing, but I resisted. I've been kicking around the idea of quitting facebook because it's such a time sucker.
Anyway, I scrolled down the pinterest board and loved the Cookie Monster cupcake pic so much that I posted it on my facebook. (See? I really shoudl quit FB.)
Hope all is well with you and yours. If you move to Korea, you can hire someone to do your laundry and clean your whole house at once. It really is lovely, but sad that evening when toys are already strewn on the floor and dishes are in the sink. At least the laundry is done and put away!
Wow, I've not heard of it either. I'm most definitely not stylish enough! I think I may be the only person on the internet who doesnot FB.
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