Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cape Flattery/Neah Bay

Fourth of July weekend we packed up and headed for the Northwestern most point of the continental U.S. - Cape Flattery. We stayed at Hobuck Beach on the Makah Indian Reservation with our usual partners in camping, the McA's. We saw some great scenery, but first I will bore you with pictures of my children.

This is Miles' sad hiking face. Before we ever take two steps he always let's me know how much he does NOT like to hike. Or walk. Unfortunately for him, we were going to do a lot of both.

This is after I showed him how ridiculous he looked with his sad face. Avery, always ready to spot wildlife.

You know you are on a Washington beach when it's July and you are wearing a fleece jacket.

The kids don't care though.

Sanddollars like Washington beaches too. And now I will bore you with some pictures of those.

Ben cooking up the best chicken quesadillas ever!

Cape Flattery - This is the view we came for.

Lovely, albeit frigid, Washington beach.

Really great smoked salmon.

Ben and Avery getting skunked, fishing from the bridge.

The men doing their, 'must get to highest point' thing.

Cape Alava

Ben carrying the boys (6.4 miles)

I got the better end of the deal and got to hike with the tie-dye twins. We left everyone in the dust...er..moss.

They didn't want to share germs by using the same water bottle. So they used this Skunk Cabbage leaf to share germs from.

On our way home we identified what could potentially be our next camping adventure: Salt Creek Recreation Area. I've never seen so many mussels in my life. And there were deer on the beach.

This is what I imagine Neverland looks like.

Some miscellaneous photography of Cruz, doing what he does best.


JMK said...

I love your adventures! We need to try that camping thing! Maybe when it cools down here a bit. So, you may only have had a few weeks of summer but what gorgeous places to explore there!! Your kids are adorable!

Erick & Norma said...

Any chance we can squeeze this in to the itinerary too? We should've planned to go for two weeks, not just one! The pictures are breathtaking!

bethy said...

What beautiful pictures! Our girls have been begging us to take them camping and I think they're starting to wear us down (we lean towards vacations with room service, haha!). I think we'll have to get with another family in the ward who knows what they're doing.