Ben - Was awarded the Presidential Airway/Esophageal Foreign Body Award (that's a real thing??) for the poster presentation he did with two colleagues entitled "Novel use of a suction irrigation device for removal of impacted clot from the airway". Fascinating as well as novel, I'm sure.
Avery - Lost one tooth on a Saturday in February, then lost another a few days later while at school. The second one never made it home, so the tooth fairy only had to make one visit that week. Rude, I know.
Miles - Can play Old McDonald Had a Farm on the piano with his eyes closed (literally with his eyes closed).
Cruz - Turned one! And since he is the third child, he got neither a birthday party nor blog entry dedicated to the big day*. Plus I'm too busy trying to think of 33 things about myself for my special day coming up. But we do love our little guy. Even if he doesn't walk (despite standing like a champ and taking multiple steps three months ago). I guess he has to put all his energy towards growing that hair. He also learned to ride a bike this month, and he started wearing shoes on occasion.
*I will get around to it!
**I got a speeding ticket, and I refuse to believe that I was going 40 in a 30. I was just returning a library book for goodness sake. It was overdue, yes, but I had already accrued my fine that day. No rush. There are more details to why I disagree with this but I as I had no evidence what could I do? He agreed to keep it off of my record if I could go without 6 months without getting a ticket. No problem. I haven't been pulled over in 13 YEARS. I didn't even go 4 days. This time 28 in a 20. A full on speedtrap (where the speedlimit changes unexpectedly), which the officer admitted while chuckling. He didn't even ask to see my insurance. He wanted to hurry and get to his next victim ("one after another" he said). So my experience, plus the recent experience of three other gals I know leads me to believe that they are targeting pre-middleaged white women who drive stationwagons or minivans, (my experience in court would lead me to believe that they are targeting uninsured hispanic men in their 20's) all in the name of revenue generation.
happy birthday to cruz...poor third baby...
oh...i forgot...i would like to see that award-winning poster...sounds fascinating!
I love your blog recaps! The court story cracks me up.....I am sorry for your two tickets though :).
I am totally with ya on the speeding ticket. I recently fought one in court, along with 6 others caught in the same "speed trap". We all still got stuck with our tickets, but I do have to say as a white girl, I was definitely the minority. As a legal citizen, I was also the minority.
PS - Happy birthday Cruz. Sorry no one documented it, but sure can't wait to hear 33 things about your mom. ;)
where is the *** symbol that confesses your second ticket? i'm dying over traffic school, i'll probably fail the test and have to start over. man! i miss you guys.
If it makes you feel better, I tried to contest a ticket only to find out that "contesting" it means paying your "bail" which is the full ticket and waiting for your court date, for which they subpoena (yes I had to look up the spelling of that word) the officer. I was SUPPOSEDLY doing 40 in a 25 MPH area (which was next to impossible considering the speed bumps and pedestrians) and I SUPPOSEDLY didn't stop at a stop sign (despite making a left turn). So basically I was 4 wheeling it through a residential area and made a turn on 2 wheels. But the whipped cream on the pancake was that my insurance company had forgotten to change 2010 to 2011 on my NEW insurance cards. Lovely. I paid the discounted "bail" and got a 100% on my online traffic school exam. (Yes I took it more than once. There were trick questions. Strangely I got the how many calories in a mocha question right, but missed the one about left turns.). :)XO
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