So I guess it's time to own up to the fact that I will soon be a mother of three, as I am about to hit the 2 weeks and counting mark (which could also be the any day now mark, even though my other two came with 24 hours of their due date). It would also be the same point at which not even a special parking spot at the commissary is enough of a perk to make the sacrifice seem worthwhile. But being that it will all be over soon and that it may very well (99% sure) be my last time to experience this delicate condition, here are my observations/questions/comments on the experience this time around:
- Keeping it a secret until you are half way through doesn't make it go by any faster. I was deluded to think that since Ben and I didn't discover our joyous surprise until I was just about 10 weeks into it and we didn't make a formal announcement until we found out what we were having that somehow the whole thing would just whiz by. But here we are, tick tock. Or make that tick......tock.......
- Since my first pregnancy I have always made an effort to never waddle. If I catch myself starting to I try to pick up the pace and tell myself to shape up and walk like a normal person. This time I feel like I just skipped the waddle and went straight to a full on hobble. And I haven't the mental strength to combat it.
- On a positive note I am probably going to come in about 15 lbs lighter than I did with the other two. I'm currently in the light heavyweight division (in men's boxing mind you) but if I can stay out of the 190's then I consider it a success. I don't know what I did differently this time that had such an impact. With Avery it was an unabashed food fest for 9 months coupled with occasional exercise and more occasional lounging (= final weigh-in of 198 and time to return to fighting weight of 140 = two years). Determined not to do that again with Miles I made much better food choices and worked out religiously the entire pregnancy. Final weigh-in: 197! (In addition to coming in a whole lb lighter, I also managed to leave the hospital having only lost 6 lbs even after having a baby 7 lbs +). So this time I figured my body was going to do whatever it wanted and I didn't think much about it. This baby has seemed to sit on my stomach most of the time so maybe it's like having lap-band surgery and I don't eat as much before feeling full. Plus even though I am inclined to roll my eyes when people account for losing weight because they are chasing after young children (usually it is a celebrity who has a nanny who says this) Miles doesn't allow for much lounging to go on so perhaps this is a factor.
- So on the subject of pre-natal exercise, I was gung-ho to do something the entire nine months. With Miles budakon was the workout I enjoyed the most (with Avery it was a almost daily walk to get french fries at Blimpies. I thought yoga was going to be the discipline for me this time but when childs pose stopped being a relaxing position at around 5 months along, I stopped going and my yoga mat has been rolled up in the back of my car ever since. When the doctor with no childbearing experience of her own asks me if I am exercising, I consider in my head the number of times I go up and down the stairs and how my heart rate gets elevated each time, and I answer yes.
- My palate has changed, although not substantially, yet enough to not find as much pleasure in meals I may have otherwise (despite all of my recent food adventures). Give me a bowl of plain, bland cereal, milk and bananas any time of day and I'm happy. Or a baked potato. Simple carbs. Or citrus. Or chocolate (with a side of heartburn).
- My hair is fuller, which is nice, unfortunately my face is too so it kind of cancels out the benefits. What a double chin has to do with a growing fetus, I'm not sure.
- So although the growing face doesn't require a new wardrobe, the expanding waistline, etc. does, and my new wardrobe this time around included two pairs of black stretchy pants - one in cotton/spandex and one in a polyester blend from REI. I think I have alternated wearing them exclusively for the last four months (and they will probably stay in rotation for the next four). Around Thanksgiving time I was still trying to squeeze into my normal clothes which I realized directly correlated with my being irritable so I got out the maternity box and was instantly much happier (Ben probably would like to know what my problem is now - chances are it's also related to being uncomfortable although there is no percentage of spandex that can cure this discomfort). So even though I got out my maternity clothes I found that there wasn't much there that I really enjoyed wearing, especially the full paneled denim, so I will be happy to get rid of those items ASAP - one less plastic bin in the storage shed - yea!
- Something I do enjoy and will miss is feeling the baby move. And I won't be surprised if this one comes out with 8 arms and legs. I've never felt limbs in such disparate locations as I have this time. Avery and Miles sat the same way and essentially the pregnancies were identical. This one is on the opposite side and stretches out at any given opportunity.
- Nesting. Unless this involves surrounding yourself with down filled pillows to try to get comfortable I'm not sure I am, at least if I am it doesn't feel any different than the norm. Since we move so frequently I feel like we are always getting our nest in order. And with the weather warming up it just feels like spring cleaning to me. Mostly I want to be outside weeding and getting the garden boxes ready. And since that has nothing to do with welcoming baby I'd say it's more a function of having some sunshine than anything. About once a week I do get a thorough house cleaning accomplished and each time I think that this is the last time I will have to wash sheets/scrub floors/organize the kids room, etc etc. before the baby arrives and then the next day things are already in disarray. The same with trips to the grocery store. I keep stocking up but then find myself right back in the checkout line a week later. I did just get the infant car seat out of storage yesterday and will be washing 0-3 month clothes here soon so maybe I am in the process. We are really going to be having a baby - yikes!
With most of this amazing (it is amazing, even if is is uncomfortable at times) experience behind me I only have the final event ahead of me and I have to admit that I am pretty freaked out. Usually after having done something a couple times you feel more at ease with the process. I'd say labor has to be an exception. The first time you have no idea what to expect so you have that going for you. The second time you might imagine that it's going to be quicker and easier than the first time but you might find out that even if the baby is over a pound smaller it can still be a long and even more painful process. So now I am wising up to the fact that this time may be no easier. And I don't remember what to do with a newborn but figure I can't be any less prepared than the first time so we'll be alright.
But we do need a name...
So exciting! I think Laker Chavez is the perfect name.
Boy or girl? I love suggesting names!! Berd is having #4 this summer!! She and Lisa are crazy ladies! You'll do great w/ #3. I'll warn you my third has quite the little attitude and rules our house! Bringing #3 home was not hard and Julia was not quite 3 and Samuel was 1 1/2. Avery will be a great helper.
Amen! I loved the pains and joys that are somehow universal with pregnancy. Good luck. I will say you were a beast of a woman when it came to diligence in workouts during Miles pregnancy. You put us all to shame.
you're so funny lynn! i hear you loud and clear..although i never exercised with any of my pregnancies, which is probably why i still have all that baby weight! but, good luck and can't wait to meet the new westbrook:)
I can't wait! AND I get to meet him in May!! WOOHOO!!! :) Good luck and can't wait to here the exciting announcement. As for names....Well I can't give you mine since I may have a boy next! But I will give you ones Matt has vetoed that I like which are Paxton, Tenley, and Tucker!! :)
Wow! I haven't been on the blog circuit for a while now, I'm just now getting caught up with everything. CONGRATS to you and Ben! I'm glad to know who I can call on for advice when it comes time for Erick and I to start our family, which will be soon. Grad school, work, internship, etc are all keeping me REALLY busy right now -- hence the absence from blogging, I have NO free time. Good luck in the next couple of weeks! Can't wait to see the little one and hear your stories post-birth :-)
Lynn, i was working on it! the day isn't over yet... i've been checking to see if that baby has come yet but looks like it will be soon, yay! the boy name thing is hard. i would love another boy but hate thinking about the perfect name... good luck!
Love it! This was fun to read, as we are just a few months behind you and I'm just beginning to really feel her move. Got any good girl names leftover? :)
Thanks for the b-day greeting as well. Love you.
Whoa! I missed the first announcement - Congratulations!! I guess waiting to tell everyone until later may not be easier on you but it's easier on your friends. I only have to wait a few weeks for adorable baby photos, birth story, etc. :-)
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