Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today is my first day of school. I'm excited, nervous, I certainly don't have a clue about what to wear. Will I get to school on time every day? Ride the bus or drive? Are flip-flops alllowed? Lunch bag or lunch money? Will I be able to remember when there are half days and am I really ready for this? I think so. I don't feel old enough for this to be happening. I can't wait to make new friends and I hope we get to make Stone Soup. What I really can't wait for is high school again - maybe I'll actually learn calculus this time around, and that's when we read all of my favorite books.

Today is my first day of school and the last day of life as I know it. Tomorrow is her first day.
Tomorrrow we become alarm-setting, schedule-adhering humans, with our immunizations complete and with $30 worth of required school supplies ready to hand over to the teacher. The teacher that I get to meet today. Today on my first day of school. I'm so glad it doesn't start until 2.


JMK said...

Wow, you have a Kindergartener!! I'd love to see first day of school pictures! Hope you both enjoy your first days of school!

Erika said...

Hope the first day of school went well for Mom and Avery...not too much trouble, at least on the first day!

sara said...

we're tied down to the system and there's no getting out of it. i hope avery's teacher is ready for her.

Tarah said...

Better start brushing up on Calculus AND Physics, unless you keep in really good contact with Dom P... :)

Lynn said...

tarah - my thoughts EXACTLY.

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

Whoa!! is she that old already?? cant wait for the bahamas!!!!!!! cant spell if wrong:))

Tami said...

I realized I had officially grown up when I had to start making lunches for school. She'll be in 2nd grade before you know it.

jen said...

that must feel so weird. i don't look forward to that day. good luck!

Jennie said...

How fun. I would be in school forever if I could. Half of the people in our ward and half the Dr.s wives home school here. When Nathan asked me why he had to go to school when they stayed home I reminded him of how he acted when I asked him to read or write at home. I asked him if he complained for his teacher, which of course he doesn't. That ended that conversation.

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

Good luck with the schedule setting. I'm glad that Shay's pre-kidergarten begins at 11:30am and ends at 2:45pm with the school. I feel bad for you moms that have the morning wake-up call. I'm dreading it already and I have one more year to wait.