When we are driving around town we like to play the "opposite" game. We take turns challenging each other to find the opposite of the word we come up with. For instance - I say "dark" the answer is "light". I say "smooth" the opposite is "rough". I say "slow" the answer is "fast". I say .... oh what- you think you get it already...it's a pretty hard game, I'm not sure you can grasp the concept in just so few examples but anyway, I'll assume you catch on quick.
Avery is pretty good at the game but she outdid herself recently. We threw her an easy one - "fat". Her answer - "tan". The opposite of
fat is
tan! Of course! We all know that nothing trims you up like a golden glow. An unknowing mistake on her part, but a factual one nonetheless.
I've always known Avery was a smart little one! Too true!! Thank goodness for tanning lotions!
Don't I know it. I've gotten unmistakable more "fat" without my hawaii tan. I blame it on that, but I really know that I've just gained weight having an oven again.
Nice picture. Unfortunately for me, I never get tan. I get red and white. I have to stick to good old working out to get a slimmer outcome.
she's exactly right, everything looks better tan. i guess i better get a membership at the tanning tropics salon fast.
that is good. funny story! and so true.
We miss having Avery around. Send her our way would you!
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