The "best Father's Day gift ever" -
My sister's boyfriend was at the Lakers playoff game* on Sunday and had "HAPPY FATHERS DAY BEN WESTBROOK" come across the jumbotron at the beginning of the game. His attempt to capture it via cell phone camera failed miserably - but it still goes down in history as successfully "the best Fathers Day gift ever" according to Ben.
*In case you are wondering how B. doing after Tuesday's slaughter - He got to drown his sorrows in root beer and filet mignon at Ruth's Chris after the game compliments of a drug rep, so he's fine. Plus, he said "they didn't deserve it anyway", I'm sure in reference to the heartless way they played.
That is so awesome! I wish I could have witnessed it!!!
too cool! we too are bummed you won't be there when we visit-we've been checking out places to go and see/eat while we're there-but we'd love to have a list of all the hot spots, so please send the info. our way and we'd be so appreciative. enjoy the sunshine!
man, thats awesome!!! good thing for Ruth's Chris. I've never had a better steak.
Wow I can't believe how much he looks like his daddy!!!
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