I love Ben & Jerry's (although I've never met a full-fat ice cream that I didn't like) I love their flavors, their packaging etc. etc. We've even made the trek to their factory in Vermont* where they have real live black and white cows (I don't know what kind they are, I'm not a cow expert) like the ones in their marketing and they have a flavor graveyard where all their discontinued flavors rest-in-peace. So sad. Anyhow, the big news is that B&J's is exactly
ONE DAY older than me! I've managed to catch a few free-cone days in the past but didn't know that we've been trucking along, celebrating the same milestones merely 24 hours apart all these years. Who knew! Now that I do it will be easier to remember when free-cone day is so next year I'll be sure to remind everyone in advance so we can all get our free cones.
P.S. - My very favorite B&J's flavor (although I like them all) is probably
Marsha Marsha Marshmallow (I would have never in a million years tried it based on the name had my mom not discovered it's deliciousness first, it doesn't even taste like marshmallow). What's your favorite?

(yes my eyes are closed and yes i'm wearing stretch pants. whatever.)
*A highly recommended vacation by the way. We took a 10 day road trip and did NYC-Rhode Island (Newport, possibly the most fabulous town on the East Coast)-Boston-New Hampshire-Vermont (including Joseph Smith birthplace)-Lake Placid (awesome) on one of Ben's summer vacations...I miss having the schedule of students!
that heavy breathing guy on the side is still creepy. i am having ice cream with drawls, but the few licks of that chunky monkey was divine. i'll be first in line next year.
I love Half-Baked and Phish Food :-p.... (that's my drool emoticon).
I miss the student schedule too. Always having Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Easter, the Summer off!! Maybe one day again when they're in private practice making money hand over fist.
Erick's favorite is Peanut Butter Cup and I love the Lowfat Chocolate Fudge Brownie or Coffee Heath Bar Crunch! Yum!
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