It doesn't take much to convince me to run 3.1 miles. Give me a coupon for a free smoothie and I'm there. I also, despite popular belief, enjoy having a reason to get up early every once in a while. Because I don't have a gym membership and find it difficult to find motivation to go running, not to mention having someone to watch the kids so I can go (I gave up the jogging stroller thing about 2 years ago - it's just not what a run is supposed to be for me) I need things to "train" for - besides life.
The run was great, I didn't realize Honolulu would be so hot at 7am though, but I managed, thanks to a b-day running outfit made of moisture-wicking bamboo fibers. In addition to a Jamba Juice coupon they were blending up some Groovy Guava on the spot which was a welcome refresher and the best part was a free* massage that lasted at least 10 minutes.
On the down side, I didn't read the fine print when I picked up my packet the day before and missed a bit of info that was important in the timing of the race. I was supposed to get my ChampionChip ankle timer before the start. I only noticed once I was in the starting pack that everyone else had gotten the message and no, they weren't all wearing an alcohol monitoring anklet. I didn't have time to go seek one out because I had made a pit stop on the drive in at Starbucks, thinking that the Porta-Potty lines would be awfully long. I hadn't even considered that they might not have potties at all. So forgoing the Chip was actually the lesser of two evils. So due to my inability to follow the rules I got no official time and no chance to win free Jamba Juice for a year by placing in the top three in my age group. Which is 30-39 now (eek). But I crossed the line at 23:13**despite a lifesize banana running in circles around me as I sprinted to the finish (what I had thought was cute at the beginning of the race was quite annoying when you're sucking wind at the end)
*Technically all of these "free" things cost me $25 in entry fees.
**Had I had the chip the time would have been faster (by maybe 5 seconds) as it starts your time as you cross the start line, instead of when the gun goes off and the elite runners take off, and what I mean by elite is, if you can get by wearing only a sportsbra. My time for the last 5K I did almost exactly a year ago was 25:20. So, so far, 30 is feeling good.
kudos. i walked a half mile in that same record time. does that mean i get a jamba juice, or should i dress up like a human banana?
Man, you are my inspiration, Lynn! Since you (and Jenny, that's how I remember) are 3 years older than me, that gives me 3 years to try really hard to run 3.1 miles that fast. To run a 3 mile race as fast as a Lyons girl would be like being transported to an alternate univierse, but it inspires me. I need incentive to keep running! How much longer do you guys have in Hawaii? If it weren't such a long (and expensive) flight from the east coast, we'd hit you up for lodging too :)
I loved the definition of elite runners. I also would add the ability to wear fluffy paisley printed polyester shorts with built in panties. Thank goodness elite runners are few and far between.
Grreat!! I am so amazed have you made better time. Has your endurance been strengthened from all the running around you do to help all of your visitors have a good time? I think so. Good Job!!
awesome. i need to start running in races too. i had no choice but to accept the jogging stroller, and believe me, it was a battle. not only do i have the stroller, but i have the dog too! but, he actually helps pull the stroller. anyway. congrats on your new time!
Reminded me of our workouts in Dallas. That was a fun summer...well for us that is!
I admire your motivation to run, or do anything. We have a 5k coming up in Newport, and a part of me soooo wants to do it. But most of me says "your too lazy." And that part of me is correct right now. Can't wait until I'm motivated to go surfing and exercise again. Wonder when that will happen, and how much effort I have to put in.
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