Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What's in a name?

Ben's going to be stoked about this info.* While on a trip to the library I was reading Miles a book called NFL ANIMALS about different team mascots, and lo and behold the Broncos' mascot is named... Miles! What is so fantastic about this news, is that as a Westbrook, Ben bleeds Orange and Blue (except for certain other times of the year when Purple and Gold pumps through their veins).

Miles was a name we liked had Avery been a boy and then over time we discovered that Ben had a Great-Grandmother whose maiden name was Miles and whom I got to meet shorty before she passed away. Then we discovered that Miles means "soldier" in Latin and how befitting with his dad in the Army. But this might be the most endearing of connections (for B.) yet.


*He said he discovered this in January and mentioned it to me then. I don't remember this. I'm surprised that he didn't know this all along and just not mention it to me. He already knew how excited I was to see Shaq and Bronco on his list of suggested baby names, at least this one was more subtle.

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