Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Baken bacon.

Bacon is not an ingredient/side dish/star of the sandwich that is treated lightly in our house. We have had many discussions about how to properly prepare it...it's a hot spot really... as some of you who were at the Lake Powell '07 trip may well know. I like mine melt-in-your-mouth crispy, nuked in the microwave or 'grilled' on the George Foreman. Ben likes his...however Chelsey made it. But we both agree that this may be the best bacon we have ever had and keep having. I think it's pretty healthy too :) I wish I had a pretty picture but it goes too fast to photograph. If you make it, make a lot.

From: Marth Stewart via Darby Van Uitert

This delicious recipe is adapted from the May 2004 issue of Everyday Food. It's the perfect addition to any breakfast meal, and it's a Good Thing.


16 slices medium-to-thick-cut bacon (about 1 pound (or two)), cut in half crosswise (or not)
Nonstick cooking spray
1 1/2 teaspoons ground pepper
1/3 cup firmly packed light-brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two 10-by-15-inch rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper (or not). Place a wire rack (like for cooling cookies) over parchment paper; spray racks with nonstick cooking spray.

Arrange bacon in a single layer between the two racks (or if you only have one rack like I do do one at a time, if you don't have one, take your tax return money and go buy one, it's worth it). Evenly sprinkle with pepper and sugar.
Bake until bacon is crisp and browned, rotating sheets halfway through, 30 to 35 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel-lined plate. Eat immediately (or someone else will).

Serves about eight maybe two.


alise said...

I just might be one of the few people in the world that really does not like bacon. But, the recipe sounds delicious.

Terese said...

Mmmm. I had this bacon at Darby's house once and actually throught about making it for Easter breakfast, but I didn't remember how. Yippeee for the new recipe.

Unknown said...

Well I guess I am just a pro at cooking bacon! I like the Martha way because it's easy to clean up but personally I like it cooked in a skillet!

alise said...

BTW. I really don't get it. How is it that you, Chelsey, Sara, and others are able to eat things like bacon, and bake cupcakes and still look as good as you do?! I know botox doesn't work like that.

alise said...

One more thing (sorry). I talked to the doc briefly on the phone tonight. I am still dying to see some photos or video or something of Ben in action. White coat with stethoscope. Something.

sara said...

you are never going to get over the powell bacon incident are you? i should have declared it as a 'we shall never speak of this again' moment. i like your bacon, nice and crispy. yum.

Juls said...

Lynn! Of course I know you! Teresa talks about you all the time, and I've been reading/watching your blog, too. (Teresa told me you are a blogger extraordinaire, and so you are.) My favorites have been your little girl's rainbow hair (gorgeous!) and your little boy's dance video. He can so bust a move. =) And the "almost a carrot." How refreshing--I'm not the only one those things happen to.

jen said...

hey lynn, funny I remember ryan making a comment about the bacon too! they're so particular huh. one benefit to him being gone. I can do what ever i want! :) so i'm way overdue on my blog. it's on my list of things to do tonight when my inlaws come tonight. but it's nice to hear that i'm missed, and I totally can't wait to come and visit! it's coming up so fast, i don't know if I quite ready (bathing suit ready). but when do we ever think we are. see you soon!