Nothing can fill the gaping hole left by the conclusion of the Bachelorette like the forthcoming Olympics. Are you excited? We are getting a second DVR just for the occasion. I've been keeping a pulse on the happenings leading up and here are a few tidbits from my favorite stories:
1. Beach Volleyball: Players may skip bikinis in favor of long sleeves and leggings. What!? That's so not fair. These are among my favorite bodies to ogle and covet. Who cares if they need to keep their muscles warm, who else will inspire me to step away from the lemon bars and start doing burpees?
2. Pole Vaulters: Will still be wearing bikinis.
3. Michael Phelps (Swimming): Phelps is upset that the new swim cap regulations only permit one flag insignia on the cap, instead of front and back. I for the life of me, cannot figure out why this is a rule. Please inform.
4. Ryan Lochte (Swimming)
5. Ryan Lochte
6. Lolo Jones (Track and Field)
7. Lolo Jones
8. The U.S. Opening and Closing ceremony uniforms: Made in China. Awesome! (I mean... 令人敬畏!) Just last year when hosting a Chinese delegation in L.A. I rushed to buy a baby gift for one of the group members, and had to carefully inspect for and clip out the "made in China" tag on the outfit I had chosen. And just today after a trip to purchase school supplies, Avery coos from the backseat "I love China". Why is that Avery? "Everything is made there." Apparently this is true. The uniforms run between $1500-$2000 each.
9. Jerri Peterson of Atlanta (Torch Bearing) : Has been waiting for years to get a tattoo special enough to bear a permanent mark on her body. She got it. It reads 'Oylimpic Torch Bearer London'. Story and picture here.
10. Hope Solo (Women's Soccer) : Reports that she was conceived during conjugal visit while her father was serving prison time. Watch out Australia, our team is riddled with the spawn of criminals too.
12. Ryan Lochte