If I could have after-hours access and an unlimited shopping spree my store of choice would hands down be
Sephora. I'm not even a real makeup person but I'm a sucker for serums and salves and creams and free samples. Before I go on, I have to back up to the not being a makeup person bit - I
used to not be a makeup person - I always considered myself a mascara and
lipgloss for special occasions type of girl. I look terrible in lipstick by the way. Terrible. Every shade.
But I'm quickly becoming a primer, concealer, creme blush, liquid eyeliner, mascara, set with powder every day type of girl. It's not that I love makeup all the sudden, it's more that it's what my face requires to look normal these days. Since turning thirty I'd say I have acne more days than not (I read recently that Kate
Winslet has the same problem so phew I'm not alone) and in general things are rapidly deteriorating (hopefully I'll find that my apartment just has bad lighting...). So due to these issues I recently made a trip to
Sephora to find a
glycolic acid product that might solve some of my woes. After consulting with the
salesgal I scored some samples and settled on the
PTR Unwrinkle Peel Pads (despite the name, I wanted them mostly for the zit issue anything else is just a bonus*). I got home and after doing the dinner and bedtime routine with the kids I was excited to go have some alone time with Peter Thomas Roth. I unwrap the product and ta-
da! The silver "try-me" sticker is staring right at me. I had made it home with the half empty and most certainly bacteria ridden sample container!!!!!
I thought for sure I had grabbed from the back of the aisle and couldn't believe that the gal who rang me up didn't notice that she was wrapping up an item without it's safety seal intact.
Sephora is not so close so I called and told them of the mistake. They said they would send a new one right away and I could do whatever I wanted with the tester. I couldn't wait to try it so I discarded the top few pads, said a prayer that I wouldn't get infected with anything incurable and started my treatment. A few days later my new one arrived - in a box FULL of samples - some deluxe. I love Sephora and I love the guy who packed my box o' beauty up. Merry Christmas to me.
*Product update 1/08 - The PTR pads are pretty good - they burn but that just tells me it's working on something. I think it's having more of an effect on any scarring/redness I have more than the active eruptions and I've decided I prefer the DDF Glycolic Toner as an exfoliant. As for the acne. Two days of using McKay's leftover Proactive while in CA and it was all clear - my eyebrows were a shade lighter (beware - it will also bleach colored towels) but I'm sold. Proactive worked for me.