Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Moth's Day

I awoke on a beautiful sunny Mother's Day to this for breakfast. No we weren't at a fancy hotel brunch, and no, Ben didn't get up early to make breakfast (I'm pretty sure Ben has forgotten how to even pour himself a glass of orange juice, much less locate a pan to fry an egg in, or make hashbrowns from scratch. Which is just what this guy did.
Bearing resemblance or being related to the chef (cousins) does unfortunately not win any points for Ben who got his own delicious plate of food once he finally woke up (by the way Tyler's wife got hers delivered in bed. a girl can only dream. i would have killed for a bowl of cereal in bed while recovering from cruz's birth, but i guess that's what i get for not marrying a mind reader) and I'm sure Ben would use his favorite Mother's Day expression "you're not my mother" if I even attempted to show disappointment. Luckily I enjoyed my day anyway and was super glad we ended up spending the night at the Rogers'.*
I got this card from Avery.
And this wall hanging - which I usually wouldn't be so excited to display but man do I need this touching reminder often (mostly with Miles right now).
In fact my Mother's Day resolution 2010 was to see things from my kids perspective and not get mad at them when they do stuff that is annoying to me but is appropriate behavior given their age (if they do something legitimately bad that's another story). And I am trying not to say "hurry" all of the time. If we have to hurry to do something or get somewhere it's usually because I didn't allot them enough time to do it given their current skill set or leg length. In short, I'm trying to be the best moth I can be.
And here is just a gratuitous picture of Cruz (on Mother's Day morning).

*We had to take an emergency road trip to Utah for Ben's grandfather's funeral. It turned out to be a wonderful reunion with family we haven't seen in so long. More pictures and info to come.


Jeff said...

you guys still in town?

Darcy and Shawn Patterson said...

The Ben comment, "You're not my mother" is hilarious (I'm sure not for you though!) Glad you were spoiled though!

Pattersons said...

nice! what an idea-be somewhere else for mother's day...although that still doesn't get him off the hook in my book:) you sound a lot how i'm feeling lately-with being more understanding with my children, less yelling, more teaching, and all that good stuff. thanks for the kind reminder:) i so need it!