Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HeartThreads on the Daily Grommet

Many of you know my uncle Scott and many more of you know that the majority of Ben's (and a portion of mine and the kids) wardrobe comes from samples and seconds of various apparel lines he has designed for companies over the years through his company Tour Image (Not Guilty, Disney, LegoLand, Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Callaway, Titleist etc.). Well now he is in the t-shirt making business. Not just any plain t-shirts - although they appear that way from the outside - but shirts with a personal, inspiring message printed on the inside resting over ones heart. (And I shouldn't say they are just plain t-shirts from the outside either - they are high-end, extremely well fitting Supima t-shirts)

The DailyGrommet.com picked up on this as a great gift idea and is featuring it as today's fresh find. Check out my uncle Scott and HeartThreads t-shirts through the short video on their site!

1 comment:

Ryan Amber and Family said...

You are hilarious!!

I love to Ben in those shirts every second he is not in church clothes.

I was wondering about your onions, they froze in your cold?
Our montana friend said i could grow them here year round. Not cold enough?
I was curious, when you and I talked about your onions.
I would like to get the number to the nursery that grafts in different fruits into the tree?
I am ready for another trip up north.
What is happening with Peru.
love ya!