Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Old Before her Time.

A. heard me tell someone that "we would be home all day" while leaving a message and when I was off she asked, "What do you mean we will be home all day?" I told her I didn't have any plans for us and asked if there was something that she had been hoping to do. "Well, I could get a job", she said. Did she have a workplace in mind I asked? "Oh I don't know, maybe the place where we got Miles' potty (Walmart) or maybe another store". *

Although I'd like to think she got her sense of industry from her mother, her dad's social security record which we just got in the mail proves otherwise. The guy has had jobs that contribute to/take out for SS since he was eleven, not to mention certain side jobs/ventures that he had going on even before that. I always thought that the purple pager he had was suspicious.

*I guess she doesn't realize how much people are willing to pay her per hour to smile and look pretty. More than enough for her to earn her keep.


The Jones--trying to keep up said...

I'm as amazed as Avery. I never heard you say that the whole time we were neighbors. I guess life in Paradise has chilled your pace a touch? It's good your girl keeps you in line.:)

Juls said...

Go, Avery! That's so cute. A working girl.