Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

House for Sale

As this time of year weren't busy enough, the owners of our house put it on the market. Now that we know we're not staying (more on that later) I wish them the best in selling it, even if it is currently overpriced by $100,000 (that's a professional opinion). Even so, someone wanted to come see it a few days ago which means the obvious - every bed made to perfection, kitchen sink shining, toilets flushed (you'd be surprised how often this gets overlooked, especially with little kids in a house) but it goes beyond what you would usually do for visitors because these guests are poking around everywhere so not only do we have to hide valuables (luckily we don't have many) but also empty the dishwasher and straighten closets and declutter drawers to make small spaces look larger. We just got done with this process 6 months ago with our own house and now I feel obligated to put forth a similar effort for strangers we've never met. I just wish it could wait until January.

1 comment:

Erick & Norma said...

We are patiently waiting for the story about the move :-)