Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Monday, July 23, 2007

what do you feed a baby with no teeth?

Miles is 9 months old now and no sign of a tooth...unless you count the swollen gums, runny nose and endless gnawing on hard objects, but since that has been the case for 3 months now... I'm not sure what I should be looking for except for some gleaming white, razor sharp incisors.

So the problem is this. He does not like baby food, tolerates formula on occasion but wants to eat what we are having. He's grown tired of sucking on chicken bones and can actually gum down chicken meat pretty well. The other day I caught him shoveling red grapes in his mouth with reckless abandon. Avery had left a bowl of them unattended and he was shaking them off of the stem and eating 4-5 at a time. And if they wouldn't come off that way he would pluck them off of the stem with his mouth like Cleopatra.

To think, I had previously been carefully peeling and cutting one grape into small, hazardless pieces. Okay so I had been biting them and giving him half, but I would have never given a whole, windpipe sized grape to a baby!

So under careful supervision, and knowing that there was someone who had recently gotten re-certified in advanced lifesaving, including the baby Heimlich, in the next room I watched as he ate and ate and ate. Although I can't give truly accurate count, I'd say there were at least 30 peels that survived the trip through the G.I. tract.

So he likes grapes. He like bananas. He likes chicken, oatmeal, yogurt, bread, ice cream, whole milk and milk duds. He spits out his baby food. Even the chunkier kind.

What do I feed him?


alise said...


Anonymous said...

Maggie and Al suggest "Real Fruit Popsicles"

kelly said...

oh i so know what you mean. my little guy, also 9 months, in fact i think they are just a couple of weeks apart if i remember correctly (we met at kit's b-day party)... anyway. 9 months... no teeth. he won't do formula, still nurses occasionally, but wants real food. you are much more adventurous than i. i guess he could do grapes, it never occured to me. they seem so big!