Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cruz and Me

I didn't know I was incomplete.

I was very happy with the two kids I had and the ages and stages we were experiencing together. I was starting to ponder what my life might look like when my kids were in school and I would have a good portion of the day to do whatever I please - a career, volunteering, lunch with friends...(whatever it is it will involve wearing better clothes that's for sure). I thought that another child might have the effect of diminishing returns. Overwhelmingly this is not the case. I can't get enough of this little creature.
When he was first born (and I use that term loosely - more like when he was first 'removed' - but the requisite birth story I will save for another day) I didn't recognize him. Of course you never know exactly what your baby will look like but after two you have a good idea - not to mention right at first they pretty much just look like a hot mess (literally). I don't know what I expected but at that moment he looked more like himself than like anyone else. As time has gone I recognize him as his father's child (Ben had some suspicion given the some of the dates we were given) who shares a complexion with his sister, dimples with his brother and alas he has my double chin (and strong corrugator muscle).

I want to spend every moment looking at him. Because when I turn away and look back he has grown. This desire precludes me from doing much else but I don't even care (except to get my taxes done because I don't think the IRS would appreciate my excuse).
I love the larval newborn stage and it passes so quickly. I love the floppy head, the scrunched up legs, the fleeting sleep smiles and the occasional breathy chuckle, the frequently crossed eyes trying hard to make sense of the world outside of the womb, the kitten soft hair etc. etc.
With your first child you can't wait until they accomplish the next thing and you encourage and celebrate their growth, but with the last you just savor every second and want to slow down every moment - which probably explains the nurture factor in birth order and the resulting personality traits. I don't yet think of Miles as my middle child but I feel as though both of my boys are my "babies". In sum, for the third time I am absolutely and completely in love.
I am still just getting the hang of being the mother of an infant again. I keep forgetting that I need a diaper bag, although the dozen or so dirty/wet diapers a day should be a good reminder. The constant need for nutrition provided by me is also a drain, however, it gives me a good excuse to do nothing other than stare at and savor my baby boy. Some of my favorite times are those moments in the middle of the night when no one but the two of us are awake (ask me in a few months if these are still some of my favorite moments as the mommy high wears off and fatigue sets in).
As for my recovery from abdominal surgery - it is going well enough. I was able to quit the meds a week out but even now two and a half weeks out there is still pain. I am finally able to laugh and cough without wincing, sneezing is still an unwelcome experience. A couple things I was really looking forward to post-partum was being able to bend over and pick things up with ease (either I am way more clumsy or I just never noticed how often I dropped stuff before) and get back to work in the yard and also to sleep on my stomach. I was sad when I realized it would be a while before those things were possible. One thing I didn't realize is how much core strength cooking took. In particular - trying to open a jar or crush a clove of garlic with the broad side of a knife.
The good news is that I am not bitter about having had to have a c-section and the scar is not as bad as I imagined. (The other good news is that we all fit in our Passat so we don't have to get a bigger car, but our days of riding together in the truck are sadly over.) Our family of five feels complete (again) with the arrival of Cruz and I'm so glad he is here.


Wilde ones said...

So sweet. You are amazing with words - a talent I definitely do not possess (that word looks really funny to me right now). Hope you get to enjoy laying on your stomach and fully bending over again soon. It took me several weeks after Seth was born to remember that I could bend over. I was so used to asking someone else to get it for me.

TOVAR said...

what double chin? Sorry about the C section even though it does seem like you have more than come to terms with that. And Hallelujah for still fitting into that beautiful passat. We totally bought a van (even though we still fit into the backseat of our civic) and now I am wondering if that was such a good idea if we might be possibly done at three as well.

I am loving those pictures.

Ashley Locke said...

Love the pictures and am hoping to see even more! He is so cute, and definitely looks like a Cruz to me. Love those baby snuggles!

Sarah said...

"I didn't know I was incomplete . . ."

Those words are going to haunt me, you know.

Great post--I've loved seeing his pics on my photographer friend's blogs and facebook. I was wondering when you'd post a few. He's adorable.

Pattersons said...

love, love, LOVE your beautiful words and ode to your sweet baby boy and family...thank you. the pics. are precious-thanks for sharing!

nathan said...

Such cute pictures! Reading your descriptions of the touch and feel of a newborn makes me bigtime baby hungry. Be sure to shoot lots of video--they grow and change so, so, so fast. I can't wait to see my brother's little boy! He looks the way I remember Ben looking when he was a baby (except that Ben's skin was China doll white).

JMK said...

What precious pictures, Lynn. So glad to hear you are enjoying every moment. I miss that time of a newborn.

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

What a cute couple! You two look adorable together. He's definately a keeper--just like the others. Can't wait to see him in person sometime.

jen said...

GREAT post. glad to hear you're recovering so well, you're one tough cookie.

alise said...

So, so sweet.

Lisa said...

Isn't the feeling of completeness awesome? He's a beautiful baby. Congratulations to all of you!

Sara said...

Lynn--that is one of the sweetest stories I have ever read! I felt the same way about Abby. Even now that she is approaching 2 years old I still feel like time is going by too fast and I wish I cause pause it. So glad that you will have those pictures to remember the strong bond you have with Cruz! Getting your CD ready. Should get it to you this week sometime!

Tarah said...

I love the line about not wanting to look away.. beautiful :) Hopefully your scar is as low as mine, which leaves room for a bikini should I ever feel that I want to subject anyone at the beach pool, etc. to that sight :) Glad you're hanging in there with the recovery, just don't go getting food poisoning or the flu or anything that makes you throw up-it'll set you back weeks, trust me :)

bethy said...

I love all of the baby thoughts. Babies are so sweet and I adore them. I did not consider myself to be much of a baby person before I had kids but with each of them I have loved babies/kids more. I have had to have c-sections with each of my girls and the recovery has been different each time. The only thing that makes me sad about having to deliver that way is putting a limit on how many babes I can have. Oh well, I'll be happy with however many I can get ;)