Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Medium Close to Dying.

It was my grandpa's birthday the other day. After Avery called and sang him Happy Birthday and left him a message I told her "Did you know that grandpa is 84 today?"

"Whoa", she said. "He's getting close to dying".

Now, if you know my grandfather (or knew his mother, who only missed meeting Avery by a few months (although we have some pretty solid evidence that they crossed paths at some point) and would have been her great-great grandmother) you know that this is hardly the case. At 84 he teaches school about 90% of the year as a substitute and then in his spare time pours concrete or builds the occasional brick wall. By himself.

I then told Avery "he could live till at least 100". She said, "After 100 you die" and then added "I am way way far away from dying".

I ventured to toss in a hopefully reassuring "yeah, me too". She said, "weeellll, you're medium close to dying".

Sounds like grandpa and I better live it up.


Ashley Locke said...

Oh I love it! Yes, your Grandpa is anything but close to dying, luckily, cuz we all sure love him!

TOVAR said...

Nice! Just today I was contemplating how multifaceted you are and now I see that ist just runs in the family. Enjoy medium dying age. . .I still have another year.

Breeana said...
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Breeana said...

That is hysterical! Definetely something to remind her of when she is your age. Call her up and ask her how it feels to be medium close to dying. :)