Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Very Superstitious

Okay, not very, but I do have a couple weird superstitions I have picked up over time and travels. In general I try not to do any of the classic bad luck moves - walking under ladders, opening umbrellas inside, breaking mirrors etc. but I will if I have to and I won't worry about recourse. But a couple others I do follow more closely I'm not sure why. For instance - I will never ever write anyones name in red ink. That is of course unless I want them to die. I picked this one up in China and I will search far and wide for a pen of another color if I need to write a name. There are a lot of other Chinese superstitions that I did not pick up. Many circle around numerology and calendars, others around placement of chopsticks, eating of noodles and gift giving.

The other superstition I have dabbled with is the cutting of hair during the full moon phase. Not my own but my kids. Although I should probably try it as my own could use a boost. I overheard some girls at school once talking about this - they lived on an Indian reservation near by and had quite the flowing locks. I'm sure they have many other superstitions as well. I wasn't exactly invited to participate in any of these superstitions from other cultures but some just stick.

One that I will certainly follow should the opportunity present itself again is the bringing of a lei or gift to sacred Hawaiian locations should I choose to hike there. I learned that one the hard way.

So being Friday the 13th and all - what superstitions from your own culture or others do you hold dear?


Casey said...

My older brother and I always laugh at our French grandma and her superstitions-something about how silverware can't be crossed or it's extreme misfortune for you. Also, once we were all eating outside, and we heard thunder in the distance. She stood up suddenly, and ran around the table collecting the knives to put them inside. Knives are conductors, but not forks or spoons.

In Croatia if you sit at the corner of a table, you'll never get married. We purposely did it all the time, just for the reaction. It is also apparently really good luck to have a bird poop on you. I was extremely lucky

Tarah said...

I still have a funny thing about rr crossings and yellow lights...I don't do the gestures that you're supposed to...but I think about them every time.. Speaking of Superstition, did you see the Jonas Brothers with Stevie Wonder at the Grammys? I kept thinking, "He may be blind, but he's not deaf." If you missed it, don't worry, Stevie solo is much much better. (Especially since that's one of my favorite songs).

amy Woolace said...

Not so much in to superstitions, just aware of them like you. However in the very recent past, I was slapped across the face with what one could interpret to be a 'good sign'. Apparently if it rains on your wedding day, it is good luck, or you will be rich...depends on who you ask. Either way, I take that as good fortune, and is one superstition I choose to believe. :)

I guess I also choose to always have someone else pour my hot tea at a restaurant (somehow I've overlooked that this superstition doesn't apply at home, humm).

Pattersons said...

i'm not one for superstitions but i remember a time when i was young and my sister nia was just a baby. we(us kids) were in the living room watching t.v. and my uncle came in from outside and yelled at us for sitting around my baby sister(who was asleep on the floor). he kept going on about how we should never, ever sit in a circle around someone who's asleep-according to samoan superstition, it means a funeral will occur in the near future...so there you go. i have a few more samoan superstitions i could share but none of them make any sense to me:) happy friday 13th!

sara said...

yes. i never eat a cheeseburger without fries and i never eat cookies without milk. i'm pretty sure it brings bad luck if you don't.

Lynn said...

Tarah - In regard to the Stevie Wonder/Jonas Bro. thing. Ben said "if Stevie could see their skinny jeans he woulda been like 'oh hell no'" And thus there would have only been a solo performance.

Kimi said...

i got married on a friday the 13th - need i say more :)

Erick & Norma said...

Where do I even start? Us Mexicans have a bunch of supersititions. Let me just say, if you're ever around my family, NEVER put your purse on the floor! Everyone will gasp as if you're throwing your money away, inviting bad luck...putting your purse on the floor is said to bring one bad fortune.