Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tree Guy

Born and bred in the wilds of Alaska (okay, I'm not sure exactly where in Alaska, but it's all wild right?), this guy is about as rugged as they come. With nothing but spurs and a cable anchoring him to the tree, he cuts off substantial limbs and throws them down like nothing. Referring to his men on the ground as 'girls', he cut our trees down in thirds and as the top portion would come down he would be left swaying on what was remaining. Yikes.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have a crush on anyone who can do what he does (you should see his forearms, really). No, you're not going to come to find one day that I've run off with the tree guy, but my respect runs deep. If you had seen him up in those giant 100ft+ fir trees working his chainsaw magic yours would too. As it turns out, he is afraid of heights.
Video posted here.


Ambitious Crafter said...

Really, he's afraid of heights and that's what he does for a living! Wow, he must have a split personality - wish I knew what his trick was :D For the time being, I'll be happy hanging out on the ground.

Kimi said...

is he single? you can send him my way :)

Erick & Norma said...

Ok, I really want to see the video now. Don't forget to add me so that I can check out your other blog :)

amy said...

Welcome to the land of lumberjacks. Being here in the NW for over ten years, I must say that I have learned that they are one-of-a-kind. Some of the biggest heart and spikiest boot guys you'll ever meet.

On a side note, Thanks for posting your blogs, they have been very interesting and provoking :)
Love you guys

ZooMom3 said...

All other things being equal, I'd take a guy in carharts and chainsaw over armani and blackberry any day. We should go to the Buckley Log Show next June ;-)

Carlos said...

How come Ben wasn't up there next to the guy?????

Please add me to your other blog when you have a moment. Here's my email.


April said...

Who knew? BTW - I love Avery's gospel-sharing style!

alise said...

Yeah! He's awesome. I love that he calls the other guys "girls." hee

Another thing I love about Washington--the trees. I love woodsy areas. my sister's house sits next to a forest which has hiking trails to a lake. It was kind of creepy until they got window treatments. Still slightly creepy, but gorgeous!!

amy said...

I can't post on your other blog...not a team member?
so here...

I like the transform windows!!! Needed in the woods for sure. I find myself setting up more lamps and tearing down curtains in the gloom of winter, just too dark!
In my experience...(we are building off the grid and way back in the sticks, so it's MUCH different) the city could care less where you have windows, so DO IT! "what are they gonna do kick you out of the city?" :)

Hurray for the appliance upgrade! Damn those ugly handles - Good on ya.

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

I would have a little crush as well:) That is quite a response you got there to your last post...wow! I guess you never really know how many people and what kind of people are checking out your blog..yikes!!